Italian Italy


Word USED On Occasion BY People Over 40

(noun) • A turncoat, someone who changes opinion/position/ideas in order to gain some benefit.

"Quel tizio ha completamente cambiato idea pur di non perdere il posto, è proprio un voltagabbana."

"That guy completely changed his mind to avoid being fired, he's a real turncoat."

Confirmed by 2 people


French France

être rond comme une queue de pelle

Expression USED Frequently BY People Over 40

(round as the end of the shovel) • Used to say that someone is drunk.

"Maurice et Thierry ont passé la journée à boire avec Hervé. Ils sont ronds comme des queues de pelle."

"Maurice and Thierry spent the day drinking with Hervé. They're as round as the end of a shovel."

Norwegian Norway

ikke mitt bord

Idiom USED On Occasion BY People Over 40

(not my table (to clean)) • Either to explain that 1) you're not interested in something or 2) to forego a responsibility, usually the latter.

1) ''Noen liker fotball men det er ikke mitt bord.'' 2) ''Andrea fikk ikke saus til middagen men det er ikke mitt bord.''

1) ''Some people like soccer but that's not my table.'' 2) ''Andrea didn't get sauce for her dinner but that's not my table.''