I'm a French native speaker, and always loved languages. So, I also speak (with different levels) English, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. I've lived in France (mostly in the West)my whole life, except for 6 months in the UK.
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Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(to fart higher than one's arse) • To be conceited.
Les étrangers disent souvent que les Français pètent plus haut que leur cul.
Foreigners often say that French people fart higher than their arse.
Submitted July 2021 by 3010g
Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone
Abbreviation of "cas social" (social case), which originally is a term for people who have high financial and social difficulties. It is now used to refer to someone who is believed to have such difficulties, e.g. someone who os low educated, rude, not smart...
"Y avait une famille de cassos devant moi à la caisse, ils étaient trop chiants !"
"There was a cassos family in front of me at the checkout, they were so annoying!"
Submitted March 2021 by 3010g
French speaking countries
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
Nothing at all.
"'Y a que dalle dans le frigo, faut qu'on fasse des courses."
"There's nothing at all in the fridge, we must do the grocery shopping."
Submitted March 2021 by 3010g
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Anyone
(Well seen, the blind!) • This is something you may say to someone who just discovered something obvious. This is obviously a pun, and "bien vu" actually translates to "well spotted", "good catch".
"T'as déjà remarqué que presque tous les salons de coiffures ont un jeu de mot dans leur nom ?" "Bien vu, l'aveugle !"
"Have you ever noticed that almost every hairdressing salon has a pun in its name?" "Well seen, the blind!"
French speaking countries
Slang USED Very frequently BY Mainly young people
(v.) • To be scared.
"J'ai un entretien d'embauche demain, je flippe tellement !"
"I have a job interview tomorrow, I'm so scared !"
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Everyone
(to plant the cabbages) • It is used when you walk on a wet soil wearing shoes with heels, and the heels sink into the soil.
"Ah il a plu hier, je vais planter les choux avec ces chaussures!"
"Oh it was rainy yesterday, I'm gonna plant the cabbages with these shoes!"
Name USED On Occasion BY Young People
It is a name used to refer to a stereotypical man, who is in love with his car and practices car tuning. Other characteritics would be wearing a mulet, watching football (and Pimp My Ride), drinking a lot of beer, calling his wife "mum", etc.
"Un mec qui pose à côté de sa voiture sur sa photo de profil, c'est clairement un jacky!"
"A guy posing next to his car on his profile pic is clearly a jacky!"
Name USED On Occasion BY People Under 40
(n.) • It is used to talk about a person on Internet who's dumb and immature. It is quite a masculine equivalent to a Karen in English.
"Les pires commentaires sur YouTube, c'est ceux des Kevin de 15 ans qui ne savent même pas écrire."
"The worst comments on YouTube are those by 15-year old Kevins who don't even know how to write."
Expression USED On Occasion BY Mostly young people
(It is not my excitation) • It is used to mean that something is not your taste, not your cup of tea or not what you usually like.
"Tu viens regarder le match avec nous ce soir ?" "Non merci, le foot, c'est pas mon délire."
"Are you coming to see the match with us tonight?" "No, thank you. Football is not my excitation."
Poitou-Charentes, Normandy,
Word USED Very frequently BY Most people
(v.) • To lock a door. It comes from the time you used a bar to keep a door closed.
"T'as barré la porte ?"
"Did you lock the door?"
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(it's raining ropes) • Used to describe heavy rainfall.
"Oh non, il pleut des cordes et je dois rentrer à pied !"
"Oh no, it's raining ropes and I have to go back home on foot!"
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(to send oneself to the air) • To have sex, to get laid.
"Mon voisin passe son temps à s'envoyer en l'air, et il n'est pas discret."
"My neighbour spends his time sending himself to the air, and he is not discreet."