Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
Messy, slovenly, or careless.
"Nemôžeš tu pobehovať len tak, halabala!"
"You cannot just run careless over there!"
Submitted April 2021 by adamburianek
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Children
(because bear) • It's not your business.
"Prečo si mi nedal aspoň jeden kúsok čokolády?" "Lebo medveď."
"Why didn't you give me at least one piece of chocolate?" "Because bear."
Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Everyone
(it is one) • I don't care. I don't mind. It doesn't matter.
"Dáš si pivo alebo víno?" "To je jedno."
"Would you like a beer or wine?" "It is one."
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(a spanish village) • Something that one doesn't understand completely.
"Teória strún je pre mňa španielska dedina."
"The theory of strings is a spanish village to me."
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(under the slipper) • The situation, when husband is under total control of his wife or vice versa.
"Chudák Peter. Je úplne pod papučou a žena ho nepustí ani do krčmy."
"Poor Peter. He's totally under the slipper and his wife even won't allow him to go to the pub."
Slang USED Frequently BY Teens
(an ass) • The buttocks/anus, An abandoned place, A hopeless situation, fun, or a prank.
"Musíme tých politikov nakopať do prdele!" "Tá dedina sa nachádza úplne v prdeli." "Vďaka nášmu šéfovi je firma úplne v prdeli." "To by bola prdel, keby spadol zo stoličky." "Urobil si z nich prdel a nakreslil im fúzy pod nosmi, kým spali."
"We have to kick our politicians to ass!" "That village is located in total ass." "Thanks to our boss the company is in total ass." "It would be ass, if he fell down from the chair." "He made an ass of them and drew a moustache under noses, while they were sleeping."
Submitted January 2021 by adamburianek
Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
Expression of how drunk the person is. "Na mol" basically means "totally off", but it's not its literally meaning.
"Kámo, ty si bol úplne na mol včera večer!"
"Dude, you were totally off last evening!"
Submitted January 2021 by adamburianek
Word USED Frequently BY Young People
(noun) • Describing the thing that you cannot remember its proper name. Some people say that the people who use "oné", haven't got a huge vocabulary knowledge. "Oné" is basically a placeholder word.
"Podaj mi to oné... pero."
"Give me that thing... the pen"
Submitted January 2021 by adamburianek
Word USED On Occasion BY Some People
(adv.) • Totally, completely, absolutely
"On je konc blbý!"
"He's totally stupid!"
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek
Expression USED Very frequently BY Most People
(v.) • (to cough (on something)) • To let it be, to not do something.
"Mám chuť sa vykašľať na prácu!"
"I wish to cough on the work!"
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek
Word USED On Occasion BY Young People
(adjective) • A lot (of something).
"Bolo tam mrte ľudí."
"There were a lot of people."
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek
Idiom USED Frequently BY Young People
(v.) • (to throw a sabre) • To vomit.
"Prišiel som z párty až nad ránom a bolo mi tak zle, že som okamžite musel hodiť šabľu."
"I came back from party early in the morning and I felt so bad so I had to throw a sabre immediately."
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(it's as long as the week before the payout) • Used when reffering to something that takes too much time, such as movie, journey etc.
"Cesta z Bratislavy do Košíc je dlhá ako týždeň do výplaty!"
"The roadtrip from Bratislava to Košice is as long as the week before the payout!"
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek