Slang USED Very frequently BY Teens
(interj.) • It can be used when you say something that you don't want to be taken literally or you're just being silly.
"Sos re lindo, ¿puedo besarte? Ahre jajaja"
"You are very cute, can I kiss you? Ahre hahaha"
Word USED Very frequently BY Teens
(adj.) • In Argentina we use this word to express something is cool or someone did something cool.
"Hola chabón, ¿todo piola?" "Sí, ¿y vos?"
"Hey dude, everything cool?" "Yeah and you?
Spanish speaking countries
Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Teens
(why/because) • It's short for "por qué", which translates to "why" in English. It's used when texting other teenagers.
"Che, ¿qué haces ahora?" "Nada... ¿xq?"
"Hey friend, what are you doing right now?" "Nothing... why?"