Word USED Very frequently BY Students
(adverb) • (dry ass) • Equivalent to "bottoms-up" or "chug". To drink a glass of alcohol in a single shot.
"Il a bu sa bière cul-sec."
"He chugged his beer."
Word USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(n.) • (pumps) • Equivalent of "shoes" or "creps".
"J'ai acheté des nouvelles pompes pour courir."
"I bought new shoes to go running."
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • (wooden face) • Hangover.
"J'ai la gueule de bois. J'ai trop bu hier."
"I have the wooden face. I drank too much yesterday."
Expression USED Very frequently BY Students
To get shitfaced.
"On s'est bourré la gueule hier, on s'est tous réveillé avec la gueule de bois."
"We got shitfaced yesterday and woke up with a hangover."
Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(broken from laughter) • Equivalent to "lmao" and "lol". Can also mean "I can't anymore" if something is too funny or you are making fun of it. To emphasise the word, add more R.
"Il s'est grave tapé la honte ptdr"
"He made a fool of himself lmao"
Word USED Very frequently BY Students
(n.) • Slang term for "car".
"Ma vago est tombée en panne hier."
"My car broke down yesterday."
Word USED Very frequently BY Students
(adj.) • Something or someone cool and trendy.
"Hyper stylé le nouvel iPhone!"
"The new iPhone is so cool!"
Area around Lyon,
Name USED Very frequently BY young adults
(a big person) • Slang term for "mate", "dude" or "bro".
"Gros t'as pas vu mes clefs?"
"Mate did you find my keys?"