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Spanish Valle del Cauca, Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(n.) • (turkey) • Word used to denote the group of people with whom you have sexual intercourse.

“Ya quiero que sea fin de semana para verme con mi pavo.”

“I want it to be the weekend to see my turkey.”

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Colombia

cuadrarse (con alguien)

Expression USED Very frequently BY Young People

(v.) • (to position yourself (with somebody)) • To become the boyfriend/girlfriend of someone.

“Yo me quiero cuadrar con Simon.“

“I want to position myself with Simon.”

Confirmed by 5 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Teens

(n.) • A residual bad feeling that is the result of the love that remains for someone after the end of a relationship.

“Tengo una tusa terrible después de haber cortado con Carlos.“

“I have a bad feeling after having broken up with Carlos.“

Confirmed by 5 people

Spanish Colombia

caerle (a alguien)

Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(fall to someone) • Phrase used to express the actions used to show the desire of starting a romantic relationship with someone.

"Yo le estaba cayendo a Laura, pero ella me dijo que me quería como amigo."

"I was falling to Laura, but she said that she saw me as a friend."

Confirmed by 7 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Teens

(n.) • Word used to denote a thousand Colombian pesos.

“¿Amigo, tienes 10 lucas que me prestes?”

“Friend, do you have ten thousand pesos you can lend me?“

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Colombia

hacer una vaca

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(to do a cow) • Gather money for a determined purpose.

“Tenemos que hacer una vaca para el viaje de la empresa.”

“We have to do a cow for the company trip.”

Confirmed by 4 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(n.) • A person you have feelings for. A crush.

"No te voy a decir mi traga es un secreto."

"I won't tell you who my traga is, it is a secret."

Confirmed by 3 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • (salty) • Someone who has bad luck.

"Que man tan salado siempre le pasan cosas malas."

"What a salty man, bad things always happen to him."

Confirmed by 5 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(n.) • Fun that is noisy and unorganized. Doing various things without doing anything.

"Qué recocha esto."

"What a noisy an unorganized fun this is."

Confirmed by 4 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED On Occasion BY Teens

(n.) • A dear friend.

"Ese es mi parcero del alma."

"He is my profound friend."

Confirmed by 9 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • ( a large amount of elevens) • Lunch brought to school or food that is eaten between lunch and dinner.

"Quiero comerme un sánduche y galletas de onces."

"I want to eat a sandwich and cookies de onces."

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY People Over 30

(adj.) • Word used to describe someone who doesn't follow the rules/behave.

"Estos niños son muy necios, nunca se comportan."

"These kids are very necios, they never behave."

Confirmed by 6 people



Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Snacks.

“Tengo ganas de comer mecato.”

“I want to eat a snacks.“

Confirmed by 4 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • Someone who is very miserly.

"Que man tan líchigo, nunca paga nada."

"What a miserly man, he never pays for anything."

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED On Occasion BY Teens

(n.) • When something causes you a nuisance.

"Que jartera, no quiero hacer mi tarea."

"What a pain, I don't want to do my homework."

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • (intense) • For when a person is very insistent.

"Que persona tan intensa."

"What an insistent person."

Confirmed by 5 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • Condition after eating a lot of candy and as a result don't want to eat more.

"Ese merengón está muy hostigante"

"That merengón is so sweet that it leaves me no desire to eat more sweets."

Confirmed by 3 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • When someone has a hangover.

"Estoy super enguayabado."

"I am very hangover."

Confirmed by 7 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

1 - A scolding 2 - When a person talks about a topic over and over again, annoying the listener.

1 - "A mi hermano le estaban dando una cantaleta." 2 - "Deja la cantaleta!"

1 - "They were giving my brother a cantaleta." 2 - "Stop the cantaleta!"

Confirmed by 6 people



Spanish Colombia


Expression USED On Occasion BY Teens

When something is cool or very good.

"Qué paisaje tan bacano." "¡Qué rumba tan bacana!"

"What a great landscape." "What a cool party!"

Confirmed by 6 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

For when a person is very comfortable in a position or place.

"Está muy amañado en su nuevo trabajo." "Está muy amañada en la fiesta."

"He is very comfortable in his new job." "She is very comfortable in the party."

Confirmed by 3 people