Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Young People
(n.) • It’s an abbreviation for “Mensch Ohne Freunde” (Person without friends) and is usually used as a joke among friends when you’re in a situation all by yourself.
“Ich war die einzige, die da war. Ich habe mich wie ein Mof gefühlt.”
"I’m the only one who was there. I felt like a Mof."
Slang USED On Occasion BY mostly young people
(n.) • (bull) • a rather insulting term used to refer to a police officer, often used similar to the word „cop“ in English
"Ich rufe die Bullen."
"I‘m calling the bulls."
Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone apart from old people
(n.) • Money.
“Ich habe keine Kohle mehr.”
“I don’t have any money left.”
| Swabian
Baden-Württemberg ,
Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(adj.) • Something that is broken, not working.
"Des Audo isch hee. (Dieses Auto ist kaputt.)"
"The car is broken."
Submitted August 2020 by hvorerdet
Slang USED On Occasion BY Young People
(such a Horst) • Used as an insult for a stupid person. It’s not a really strong insult, but it shows how annoyed you are by that person. Horst is a male name.
"Hast du schon wieder vergessen, die Tür zuzumachen? Du bist so ein Horst."
"Did you forget to close the door again? You’re such a Horst."