Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(four crazy cats) • Used to say that there are few or no people in a place.
"A la fiesta de ayer, solo fueron cuatro gatos locos."
"To yesterday's party, only went four crazy cats."
Slang USED Frequently BY young people
(adj.) • Used by young people to say that 1) something is really good or 2) someone is good-looking.
1) "¡La película estuvo buenarda!" 2) "¡Esa chica está buenarda!"
1) "The movie was really good!" 2) "That girl is hot!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations
(heavy like a necklace of melons) • "Pesado" can mean both "heavy" and "annoying", so this phrase is used figuratively when someone is getting on our nerves.
"¡Ese chico es pesado como collar de melones!"
"That guy is heavy like a necklace of melons!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations
(it's too cold for a polo shirt) • Phrase said when it's cold outside.
"¡Hoy está fresco pa' chomba!"
"Today is too cold for a polo shirt!"
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(the butt's hill) • Used to say when something is located really far away.
"Papá, ¿podrías llevarme a casa de mi amigo?" "No, ¡él vive en la loma del orto!"
"Dad, could you drive me to my friend's house?" "No, he lives in the butt's hill!"
Expression USED Frequently BY Adults
(from the year of the fart) • It is used to say that something is really old.
"¡Esa canción es del año del pedo!"
"That song is from the year of the fart!"