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Spanish Spain

estar como un pulpo en un garaje

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to be like an octopus in a garage) • To be lost, also in a figurative way.

''Anoche en tu fiesta estuve como un pulpo en un garaje.''

''Last night at your party I was like an octopus in a garage.''

Confirmed by 3 people



Catalan | Meridional - Valencian Spain

estar pagat

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to be paid) • To be satisfied with something. Can also be used in negative form (estar despagat, estar despagada - to not be payed) when you are not satisfied with something.

"Estic molt despagada amb els nous horaris."

"I am not very paid with the new schedule."

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish The Internet, Spain


Name USED On Occasion BY Memers

(n.) • Female owner of a cat.

"No, Karen, no quiero whiskas, quiero mi anvorguesa."

"No Karen, I don't want whiskas, I want my 'anvorguesa'."

Confirmed by 2 people