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Spanish Valencian Country, Spain


Word USED Frequently BY People Under 30

(n.) • (long walk) • Action that requires an effort that we do not want to undertake. Not necessarily linked to walking despite its original sense.

"Dios, aún me quedan veinte páginas, ¡qué pateo!"

"God, there's still twenty more pages, what a long walk!"


Catalan Spain

hi ha més dies que llonganisses

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(there are more days than sausages) • Used to indicate that there is still a lot of time left to do something.

-"Ai no, espera, demà tinc faena i no puc!" -"No patisques, n'hi han més dies que llonganisses."

-"Oh no, wait, I have work tomorrow, I can't!" -"Don't worry, there are more days than sausages."



Spanish Spain

el burro delante, pa que no se espante

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(the donkey goes first, so it doesn't get scared) • In Spanish, it is usually considered impolite to refer to oneself while listing the members of some group before every other person has been mentioned. This expression is used to make someone aware of his misplacement of the first-person pronoun in an enumeration that includes more people.

"¿Y quiénes fuisteis al cine?" "Fuimos yo, Joan y Pablo." "El burro delante, pa que no se espante."

"And who went to the cinema?" "Me, Joan and Pablo." "The donkey goes in front, so it doesn't get scared."

Confirmed by 3 people