Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(noun) • (chicken scratch) • Krickelkrakel is handwriting that no one can read.
"Die Schrift kann man ja überhaupt nicht lesen, was für ein Krickelkrakel!"
"This writing is really unreadable, what a chicken scratch!"
Submitted February 2021 by nelila
Expression USED On Occasion BY mostly everyone
(Holland in distress ) • Used when a problem occurs or a situation seems to go bad.
Wenn sie das nochmal machen, dann ist aber Holland in Not!
If they’re doing this again, Holland’s gonna be in distress!
Submitted September 2020 by nelila
Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People
(interj.) • (dumb as a bean haulm) • Describes a stupid person.
"Er ist wirklich dumm wie Bohnenstroh!"
"He’s dumb as a dumb as bean haulm!"
Northern Germany ,
Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People
(n.) • Used to mean silly stuff.
"Mark hat wirklich sehr viel Tüddelkram in seiner Wohnung. Das meiste das er hat braucht man nicht."
"Mark has a lot of silly stuff in his flat. You don’t need most of the stuff he has."
Slang USED On Occasion BY Some People
(interj.) • (see you later Peter) • One equivalent of the English “See you later alligator” The person’s name doesn’t need to be Peter.
"Tschüß!" "Bis später Peter!"
"Good bye!" "See you later Peter!"
Interjection USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People
(n.) • (crash bang wallop ) • A mess or some undefined collection of stuff.
"Ich habe heute mein Auto aufgeräumt und den ganzen Kladderadatsch, der da drin war endlich mal weggeschmissen."
"I tidied up my car today and finally threw away all the Kladderadatsch that was in there."
| Plattdeutsch
Northern Germany,
Word USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People
(n.) • (field chatter) • It’s a funny and endearing way to say mobile phone. However most people would simply use the German word for mobile phone (handy) instead. “Field chatter” also suggests the farmerly my background, that most people who speak Plattdeutsch have.
"Hast du din Ackerschnacker dabi? Ick mutt mol ken anropen."
"Do you have your mobile phone with you? I need to call someone."
Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(n.) • (damage happiness ) • To be happy by other people’s misfortune.
"Hast du gehört? Herr Müller hat schon wieder verschlafen. *lacht* Jetzt muss er Extraarbeit machen." "Du bist wirklich schadenfroh!"
"Did you hear? Mister Müller overslept again. * laughs* Now he’s got to do extra work." "You’re well gleeful!"
Word USED Frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • (Damage-happiness ) • A feeling of happines that someone gets when others fail or things go wrong.
"Hast du gehört? Herr Müller hat schon wieder verschlafen." "Du bist ja richtig schadenfroh!"
"Did you head? Mr. Müller overslept again." "You’re really 'damage-happy'!"
Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(v.) • (disimproving) • To worsen something whilst trying to improve something.
"Ich wollte den Fleck entfernen, aber jetzt ist es schlimmer als zuvor..." "Das hast du richtig schön verschlimmbessert!"
"I wanted to get rid of that stain, but now it’s even worse..." "You’ve disimproved it very nicely!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(Now we have the salad ) • It’s used as an expression of frustration when something goes wrong.
"Max, pass auf die Vase auf!" (Max lässt die Vase fallen) "Jetzt haben wir den Salat!"
"Max, mind the vase!" (Max drops the vase) "Now we have the salad!"