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Italian | Neapolitan Neaples, Italy

Quanno chiove e nun se 'nfonne pe' terra

Idiom USED Frequently BY Most People

(When it rains and the earth doesn't get wet) • Used to say that a situation is an unlikely scenario.

"Ho sentito che Franco, il secchione, è uscito con quella gnocca di Paola." "Quanno chiove e nun se 'nfonne pe' terra."

"I have heard that Franco, the nerd, went out with that hot piece of ass of Paola." "When it rains and the earth doesn't get wet."

Italian Italy

stare con le mani in mano

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to be with the hands in the hands) • You use "stare con le mani in mano" to say that someone doesn't do anything when they're supposed to.

"Non stare con le mani in mano, aiutami a portare i piatti."

"Don't be with the hands in the hands, help me bring the dishes."

Confirmed by 12 people

Italian Italy

acqua in bocca

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(water in mouth) • This is what you say when you want to tell someone to keep a secret.

"Lo sapevi che Gianna ha tradito Mario? Mi raccomando, acqua in bocca."

"Did you know that Gianna cheated on Mario? I beg of you, water in mouth."

Confirmed by 12 people

Italian Italy

mamma mia!

Interjection USED Frequently BY Everyone

(interj.) • (my mother!) • You say "mamma mia!" whenever you are surprised, scared, annoyed or happy.

"Sapevi che Anna ha sette figli?" "Mamma mia! Sono così tanti!"

"Did you know that Anna has seven children?" "My mother! They are so many!"

Confirmed by 14 people

Italian | Neapolitan Naples, Italy


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • You use "sereticcio" to say that a food has lost its crispness.

"Questo biscotto è sereticcio."

"This biscuit is stale."

Italian | Neapolitan Naples, Italy


Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • You use "schizzechea" to say that it's drizzling.

"Sta piovendo?" "Solo un po'... Schizzechea."

"Is it raining?" "Just a bit... It's drizzling."

Italian | Roman Rome, Italy

fa' er giro de Peppe

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to take a Peppe's route) • You use it when someone takes a very long route when they could have taken a very shorter one.

"Ci hai fatto fa' er giro de Peppe quando saremmo potuti essere arrivati molto prima."

"You made us take a Peppe's route while we could have arrived way earlier."

Confirmed by 3 people

Italian | Roman Rome, Italy

A buffo

Slang USED Frequently BY Teens

(adv.) • (At funny) • You use "a buffo" when you do something randomly, not giving it much thought.

"Mi ha chiamato a buffo."

"He called me at funny."

Confirmed by 4 people