Im from Gabon, one of so many French speaking countries. Im studying in Germany so I speak also English and German.
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French speaking countries
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(to ride on one's big horses) • Getting angry quickly and reacting violently.
"Tu devrais réfléchir avant de monter sur tes grands chevaux."
"You should think before you get on your big horses."
French speaking countries
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(to have the balls) • Used to say you're pissed off.
"J'ai vraiment les boules qu'il m'ai menti!"
"I'm really pissed that he lied to me."
French speaking countries
Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • Job or work.
"Tu as fait du bon boulot!"
"You did a good job!"
Slang USED Frequently BY Parents, children
(n.) • A cute name used by children or their parents to refer to a slight physical injury (scratch, cut, etc.).
"Je me suis fait un bobo au genou."
"I got a bobo on my knee."
German speaking countries
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(to press someone's thumb) • Used to wish good luck to someone, similar to "fingers crossed".
"Ich drücke dir die Daumen!"
''I'm going to press you the thumbs!''
Expression USED Frequently BY Teens
To be in the mood to do something. Can also be used in negative form - keinen Bock auf etwas haben (to not be in the mood for something).
"Ich habe Bock auf die Party zu gehen."
Submitted August 2020 by stephanedds