Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(Everything will be alright) • During the corona virus pandemic, people affixed cardboards everywhere with this slogan on them. It became the most trending hashtag in Italy when everything seemed dark.
“Non aver paura! Andrà tutto bene”
"Don't panic! Everything will be alright"
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • (beautiful) • It literally means beautiful, so don't be surprised if Sicilian grannies call you that.
“Ciao, bedda!”
“Hello, beautiful”
Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(How are we (doing)?) • This is what you say when you meet someone you haven’t seen in a while and you want to know what’s new and how they're doing.
"We Carmelo, comu semu?"
"Hey Carmelo, what’s up?"