Indonesian Indonesia


Word USED Frequently BY Everybody

Tumben is a word used to express that emotion of slight surprise when you witness someone does something that is out of their usual habit or out of their stated commitment. It can also be used as a sarcastic remark for the same situation above.

“Tumben bangun pagi, biasanya molor mulu.” “Tumben lu minum, katanya gak mau minum alkohol lagi.” “Kok tumben lu minum kopi?”

“Wow it’s surprising that you wake up early, you usually sleep in.” “What a surprise that you’re drinking, you said you wouldn’t drink alcohol anymore.” “(It’s unusual,) what makes you drink coffee (now)?”


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY people who own records

(turned grey) • Playing a record so often that it becomes damaged and the music quality decreases.

"Had jij ook een LP van Rumours van Fleetwood Mac?" "Ja joh, die heb ik helemaal grijsgedraaid."

"Did you also have an LP of Rumours by Fleetwood Mac?" "Oh yeah, I turned that one completely grey."

Norwegian Southwest Norway and Northern Norway, Norway


Word USED Frequently BY dialect speakers

Slippery ice on the ground that's hidden under a thin layer of loose snow so you can't see it.

"Vær forsiktig når du går, det er blindhålke"

"Be careful when you walk, there is blindhålke"



Low Saxon | Gronings Groningen, Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody

Stuff, bunch, everything, the whole thing, rubbish

"En den moakt ze de boudel zo goud en zo kwoad as dat gaait vaast."

"And then she fastens everything as good and as bad as that goes."



Danish Denmark


Word USED Frequently BY Everybody

Eager to possess as much as possible by taking advantage of others

"Han har været grisk over for sine medarbejdere."

"He's been rather greedy with his colleagues."



Danish Denmark


Word USED Frequently BY Younger generation

(bladder-ass) • Someone who boasts about one's usually mundane or average achievements

"Han er bare en blærerøv, stiller sig op og praler om sin nye bil."

"He's such a show-off, standing there yapping about his new car."




Russian Russia


Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody

Something you eat when drinking alcohol (specifially vodka) to slow down the effect, ex. pickles

"How could you have not brought any закусь to the party?"

Italian | Venetian Dialect Veneto, Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody

The evergreen Venetian dialect word. It can express joy, sadness, fury, confusion, it can be an insult or a praise. It can be literally the female reproductive organs.

'Ma va in mona', 'Vara che bea mona', 'Ti xe un mona', 'Il saggio sa niente, lo stupido sa qualcosa, il mona sa tutto'

'Go to hell', 'Look at this beautiful lady', 'You are a moron' , 'A wise person knows nothing, a stupid person knows something, a moron knows everything'

Italian | Venetian Dialect Veneto, Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody

This word literally means male pig. It is used for insulting a disgusting person, to indicate that a person is eating too much, or (more directly) to talk about male pigs.

'No sta fare el mas'cio', 'Vara che se te magni cosi tanto, va a finirla che te diventi un mas'cio', 'Ghemo fatto a sopressa col mas'cio de ieri'

'Don't be a pig', 'If you're eating as much, you will be as fat as a pig', 'We made salami with the pig from yesterday'


Arabic Palestine


Word USED On Occasion BY Kids and Parents

It's a baby or toddler word, usually used by babies or parents talking to their babies to indicate an injury or pain.

"ماما اجري واوا."

"Mama my leg wawa."



Scots Scotland


Word USED Frequently BY Adults in Scotland

Dreich is used to describe weather that is overcast, drizzly, grey, misty, just not very nice. Very typical for Scotland.

"Have you seen the weather today? It's dreich, we won't be able to go ahead with that picnic we had planned."

Chinese Northern China, China

Word USED Frequently BY northern Chinese People

When something is very very sweet.


"This candy is too sweet."


Spanish Argentina


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • (thin) • We use "flaco" instead of saying "you" when addressing someone.

"Che flaco, fijate antes de cruzar."

"Hey thin, watch before crossing."

Confirmed by 11 people

German Germany


Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody

(noun) • It is the word for the back of the knee.

"Mich juckt es in der Kniekehle. "

"My back of the knee is itching."

English Worldwide


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

Like a soundtrack, but for smells.

“I remember how people smell, because my memory has a smelltrack.”

English United States


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

An underlying [bad] taste. Possibly a premonition about something bad happening.

"The mousse was excellent, but it had a chalky undertaste that reminded Rosemary of blackboards and grade school"

Indonesian Indonesia


Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody

Titip is a word that can be described most closely by the word “entrust”. When a relative is going abroad and you request them to buy something from that country, you say to your relative that you want to “titip” that good. When you put your products at someone’s store for them to sell, you “titip” your goods to their store. When you send your children for mentorship under a trusted friend, you “titip” your children to be mentored well by your friend. In informal spoken Indonesian, the formal base word “titip” is often said as “nitip”, which is the shortened version of “menitip” (to titip).

“Kamu mau ke kantin? Nitip nasi ayam dong.” “Aku mau ke toilet dulu. Titip laptopku ya.”

“Are you going to the canteen? Can you buy chicken rice for me please.” “I’m going to the toilet. Please take care of my laptop.”


Arabic Palestine


Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(a witness) • A martyr or someone who was killed for a certain valuable cause. They are witnesses in the since that they are witnesses of injustice in the eyes of god.

"أخويا شهيد، استشهد بغزة وهو بحاول يهرب من القصف."

"My brother is a witness, he was made a witness while trying to escape the shelling."

Dutch Netherlands

geen kattepis

Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(no cat piss) • When something is no joke.

"De training is absoluut geen kattepis!"

"The training is absolutely no cat piss!"

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(flying hours ) • Hours of experience.

“Ik hou van schilderen maar ik heb nog niet genoeg vlieguren om het goed te doen.”

“I love painting, but I don’t have enough flying hours to do it well”