Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(strongs) • Sterkte is used to tell someone to stay strong or to bless someone with strength. To tell someone you will be thinking of them while they attempt a hard task or difficult times and that they must persevere.
"Sterkte my jou wiskunde examen. Sterkte vir jou dag."
"Strongs with your math exam. Strongs for your day."
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous
Australia; South Africa
Word USED Very frequently BY some people
Short form of the word avocado
"The avo on toast here is too expensive, but the hot breakfasts are nice."
Submitted December 2023 by lucia871
Expression USED Frequently BY south africans
(the monkey is out of the sleeve) • Used when a long kept secret becomes known/comes out.
"Die paartjie kuier al 'n lang tyd bymekaar, maar niemand het dit geweet tot nou nie. Die aap is uit die mou!"
"The couple have been seeing each other for a long time, but no one knew about it. The monkey is out of the sleeve!"
Submitted June 2021 by anonymous
Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Some People
(Goodbye Meraai) • Meraai is a name often associated with the Cape coloured community of South Africa. It is especially used in jokes and funny stories. Koebaai is an Afrikaansified term for the English goodbye. These two terms rhyme which gives this phrase a playful connotation.
“Koebaai Meraai.”
“Goodbye Meraai.”
Submitted August 2020 by eileenspleen
Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(n.) • (yellow peach rain) • This expression refers to a type of rain that occurs around the time when yellow peaches come in season in South Africa. It describes a type of soft, but persistent rain.
"Dis regte geelperkereën wat nou val."
"It's real yellow peach rain falling at the moment."
Submitted August 2020 by eileenspleen
Expression USED In the past BY Almost Everyone
Used to express delight or excitement.
"There is a 75% off sale at the mall." "That's ayoba!"
Submitted August 2020 by kezz
Cape Town and Durban,
South Africa
Word USED Frequently BY Surfer types and Capetonians
(adj.) • A colloquial alternative to cool - used to express enjoyment or status.
"He's a kiff oke."
"He's a cool guy."
Submitted August 2020 by kezz
South Africa and Namibia
Word USED Frequently BY Adults
(n.) • (drunken grief) • Someone has "dronkverdriet" when they are crying, emotional or depressed after they drank a lot of alcohol.
"Hoekom huil sy? Sy het dronkverdriet want sy het te veel gedrink."
"Why is she crying? She has drunken grief because she drank too much."
Submitted August 2020 by watermeisie