Expression USED Frequently BY office workers, millenials
Used by the person you're talking to when they don't care or disapprove of what you're saying, but don't want to explicitly say so.
"I tried a new yoga class this weekend, the instructor was great and I'm really really liking the flow." "I love this for you!"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Slang USED On Occasion BY Millenials
“Scene contra” signifies that you are in trouble.
“Scene contra! Mom caught me taking money from dad’s wallet!”
Submitted May 2021 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Millenials
It’s been a while, it’s been a long time, it has not happened recently
"It’s been a minute since I’ve seen my coworkers in person. The office has been closed for over a year. "
Sound USED On Occasion BY Millenials
Translation of the acronym "LOL" (laugh out loud) when reading text written by members of the Horde faction as an Alliance player in the online multiplayer game World of Warcraft (WoW). The use of this term spread throughout the rest of the internet during the height of WoW's popularity, used in place of 'lol'.
"This is a funny joke." "kek"
Slang USED Frequently BY Millenials and Gen Z
(n.) • (sugar) • The Assamese word for sugar. Youngsters may refer to a person (generally a male but can also be a female) as "seni" in an informal context, denoting someone who is an absolute flirt. Sometimes, this word is also used in another form, e.g., you can say "he is eating sugar (seni) with that girl", meaning that "he is flirting with that girl."
"ৰঞ্জন এটা মস্ত চেনী দেই।."
"Ronjon is a big sugar."
Submitted August 2020 by udipta
Expression USED Frequently BY Millenials
Expressing disbelief or incomprehension. Alternative to ‘wow’ or ‘no way’.
"I showed up an hour late to work, wearing the same outfit as yesterday, and I still got a promotion." "I can’t even with you."
Expression USED Very frequently BY Millenials
1) Expressing disbelief or excitement 2) An exaggerated response to something mundane/boring. Often used to validate whatever the other person is saying.
“I went back to my hometown for the holidays and ran into my high school crush. Can you believe he’s married now?” “Really? That’s wild”
English speaking countries
Portmanteau USED On Occasion BY Millenials
(n.) • A modest or self-deprecating statement that has the actual intention of drawing attention to something the speaker is proud of.
"He was complaining about having too many job offers to choose from." "What a humblebrag!"
English speaking countries
Expression USED On Occasion BY Millenials
(interj.) • Used in a humorous or ironic manner to dismiss closed-minded opinions from the baby boomer generation (people born between 1946 and 1965) and older people more generally. Often used when someone's opinion is so out-of-touch that it would take too long to explain something to them.
"If you just stopped eating avocado toast, you'd be able to afford a house in no time." "Ok, boomer."
Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Millenials
(welcome back) • An acronym of 'Welcome Back'. It was mostly typed in messaging/chat applications, but may also be spoken aloud in-person when someone returns.
"Be right back." ... "I'm back."
Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Millenials
An abbreviation of 'be right back'. It was most often used online in various messaging platforms, but is now often spoken aloud in-person when needing to temporarily leave a group or a room within the need of explanation (such as needing to use the toilet).
"Brb." ... "Okay, I'm back." "Welcome back."