German Germany

Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein

Expression USED On Occasion BY Native speakers, rather older

(my dear Mr. Singing Club) • Used if you want to express that something is rather extreme. It is an outcry to certain situations. It translates word for word to "my dear Mr. Singing Club". I do t know the exact origin, but I always connect it to possibly extreme volumes and shouting or singing of male singing clubs.

"Hast du gesehen, welche Niederlage die Bayern im letzten Spiel erlitten hat?" "Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein, das war aufregend."

“Did you see the defeat Bayern suffered in the last game?” “My dear Mr. Singing Club, that was nasty.”

Slovenian Slovenia

jebati ježa

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(to fuck a hedgehog) • To be doing something unpleasant.

"Vozit greš v 20 cm snega? To boš jebal ježa."

"You're going to drive in 20 cm of snow? You'll be fucking a hedgehog. "

Spanish Mexico

me cayó el 20

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

It is a phrased used to illustrate when you finally understand something. The origin dates back to when all public phones used to charge 20 cents per call, so when the call was conected, you 20c coin would drop, and your call would connect.

"Me acaba de caer el 20 que mi tío John es 10 años mayor que mi tía Jane."

"I just realized that uncle John is 10 years older than aunt Jane."

West Frisian Netherlands

wat binne wy moai fuort, net?

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY some people

(we are beautifully away, aren't we?) • A phrase people like to say to each other when they are on an outing or trip, as a way to say express that you are having a good time.

*op it strân* "Wat binne wy moai fuort, net?"

*on the beach* "We are beautifully away, aren't we?"

Hungarian Hungary

dobok egy sárgát

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(to throw a yellow one) • It’s a slang expression, used to say that you need to go pee.

"Várj egy pillanatot, megyek dobok egy sárgát. "

"Hang on a second, I’ll throw a yellow one."

English England

the dog's bollocks

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some people

A vulgar, somewhat blokish, expression for something or someone that is very good. The phrase dates back to at least the 1940s but is still in common (vulgar) use

"That new show is the dog's bollocks!"

French France

chauffe Marcel

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older generation

(heat up Marcel) • Go ahead, give the best of yourself, and surpass yourself.

"Mon frère Robert n’a jamais aimé chanter." "Allez, vas-y Robert, tu peux le faire ! Chauffe Marcel !"

“My brother Robert never liked singing.” “Come on, go Robert, you can do it! Heat up, Marcel!”

Turkish Turkey

bu ne perhiz bu ne lahana turşusu

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some people

(what a diet, what a sauerkraut) • This idiom means to act in a way that contradicts one's own words. It is generally expressed to condemn people whose words and actions do not match.

"Adam dün neler diyordu, şimdi neler yapıyor, bu ne perhiz bu ne lahana turşusu?"

"That guy was saying one thing yesterday, now doing the opposite, what kind of a diet, what kind of a sauerkraut is this?"

German Berlin, Germany


Acronym USED On Occasion BY Everybody

Short for "janz weit draußen" (well out there). Something far away, difficult to access because it is far outside.

"Der Laden ist jwd."

"The supermarket is far away."

German Germany


Slang USED On Occasion BY Middle aged folks

To fail at something, to screw something up, to lose something, or to screw someone over.

"Ich wollte die Zündkerzen tauschen, aber ich habe es verömmelt."

"I wanted to change the spark plugs but I messed it up."

German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Mostly people who have been politically interested in the 60s

(cheering-Persians) • A claqeur, a person who has been paid to applaud or cheer for someone. Mostly used as an insult to insinuate someone either does not have their own opinion or would not have real support by the audience. The term appeared in 1967 when the Shah of Iran visited Berlin and had intelligence agents cheer at the road and beat up protesters.

"Das Publikum war voller Jubelperser. "

"The audience was full of cheering-Persians. "


German Germany


Word USED On Occasion BY Teens, young people

(old one) • Used to address a (usually familiar or close) person as you would call someone "dude" or "bro" in English, regardless of their actual age.

"Alles klar, Alter?" "Alter, was laberst du?" "Was geht, Alter?"


Swedish Sweden


Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody, especially full people

(palt coma) • An expression to describe the utter sense of fatigue experienced after eating a large amount of food. In Norrland the variation "paltkoma" is used to describe the feeling after eating a large amount of "palt", a form of potato dumplings. South of Norrland the most common expression is instead "matkoma".

"Jag fick paltkoma av den goda pitepalten" "Jag fick matkoma av att äta alla dom där plättarna"

"I got a palt coma from the tasty pitepalt" "I got a food coma from eating all those pancakes"


Austrian Austria


Sound USED On Occasion BY Native speakers

(Squirrel tail) • This is a word that is often used as a humorous "test" for non native speakers learning German/Austrian. It literally means "squirrel tail", but in a very heavy accent, which makes it quite hard to pronounce for someone who isn't a native speaker.

"Oh you're learning German/Austrian? Say Oachkatzlschwoaf!"


English the internet


Word USED On Occasion BY women on the internet

(noun) • Way to write the word "man" or "men" without being blocked.

"nem are trash"

French France

péter plus haut que son cul

Expression USED On Occasion BY French people on the older side

(to fart higher than one’s ass) • It means reaching for something higher than you're capable of or should reach for acting like you are better than you are.

"Trump pete plus haut que son cul a tout moment!"

"Trump always farts higher than his ass!"

English United States


Slang USED On Occasion BY Young people


"He's got girls hanging all over him because he's got serious rizz."

English United States


Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

Taking a raincheck means politely declining an offer, with the implication another attempt will be made at a later time.

"You like to come over for tv and pasta time?" "Sorry buddy, I'll have to take a raincheck."

French Québec, Canada

beurrer épais

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(to butter thickly) • To exaggerate, like putting a very liberal coat of butter on a piece of toast. Also, in a way, to brag.

"Je crois qu'il en a beurré épais quand il a raconté son aventure." "J'ai l'air d'en beurrer épais, mais c'est vraiment arrivé comme ça !"

"I think he buttered thickly in his retelling of his adventure." "I do not mean to butter thickly, but it really happened that way!"

Valencià Spain

com cagalló per séquia

Expression USED On Occasion BY popular use

(to go like a turd down the ditch) • This very visual expression is said of someone who goes aimlessly and acts without their own will.

"Anem com cagalló per sèquia: a ell l’acaben d’operar, en José Mari beu més que mai i no tenim ni un duro. "

"We're going like a turd down the ditch: he's just had surgery, José Mari is drinking more than ever, and we don't have a penny."