Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody
Something made cheaply and in a generic way, in a way that this thing is not really reliable; stems from the 08/15 machine gun the German army used in Ww1 (users of this expression usually don’t know this)
"That is some 08/15 lighter, it usually gets the job done of lighting my cigarette "
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Name USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(seat peeer) • A man who sits down when peeing.
"Der ist so ein Sitzpinkler"
"He is such a seat peeer."
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
(a french bread) • It's the way many Belgians refer to a "baguette".
"Un pain français et deux croissants, s'il vous plaît."
"A french bread and two croissants, please."
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody
Literally means “horse dick” in direct object form, most commonly to enthusiastically reject a proposition, or in place of “no”. Also sometimes used as a generic curse word (similar to “fuck”) e.g. “what the horse dick are you doing?”
“Elmegyünk futni?” “Lófaszt!”
“Should we go for a run?” “Horse dick!”
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Pidgin English
Slang USED Very frequently BY Everybody
A common salutation used to inquire about general wellbeing similar to "What's going on?" or "How is it going?". It can also be used to ask about a specific situation.
"My guy how far?"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Everybody
Contraction of good day.
"G'day mate"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY everybody
(the broccoli is finished) • Enough is enough.
"Prou! S'ha acabat el bròquil! Tots a combregar!"
"Enough! The broccoli has finished! You all get back in line!"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody
In general spanish the word ‘fajon’ is connected with architecture. But not in Puerto Rico. For us it means somebody who studies or works a lot. This could’ve been born from the word ‘fajina’ that was according to Tesoro léxicografico that word came from Spain and was used often in the mountains to refer to hard work.
"Ese muchacho es un fajón! Mira, ya se graduó con su bachillerato."
"That boy is a fajón! Look, he already graduated with his high school degree."
Submitted January 2024 by naldou16
Interjection USED Very frequently BY Everybody
Used to call someone's attention, or to address your interlocutor directly, or in general to add intensity to a phrase. Similar to Argentinian "che", it can be used in conjunction: "che, bo". For more impact, can also be used several times in a single phrase.
"Hola bo, qué andás bo?"
"Hey man, what's going on dude?"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Slang USED Very frequently BY Everybody, mother to child, romantic partners
Nanai could be understood as the act of caressing someone who you love, either to make them feel better, or just because you love them and want to show your love.
"Te hago nanai para que te sientas mejor "
"I’ll nanai you so you’ll feel better"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(overviewable) • Adjective which means that it allow you to get a good overview at a glance. The closest English translation I ended up finding was "synoptic" but that is very rarely used and not a word most English language learners would understand. The word overzichtelijk is about as ordinary as the word overview in English, but that's not a translation because you need more words to convey the meaning ("allows you to get a good overview" is the translation and "at a glance" the connotation, none of which fit into "overview" if you'd use that word as an adjective). There is also the word "clear" in English, which conveys the meaning that you've got an overview (present tense) but not that the object being talked about has a quality of allowing anyone to quickly attain one. Antonym: onoverzichtelijk, when something is convoluted or perhaps a mess, leading to the inability to easily get a good overview.
"Die oversteek is overzichtelijk, dus ze hebben de fietser zeker niet over het hoofd gezien." "Met de overzichtelijke planner kun je in één oogopslag de planning van je team bekijken en begrijpen." "Wat vind je leuk aan deze kaartstijl?" "Het is heel overzichtelijk. Ik zie moeiteloos hoe de straten zijn ingedeeld.""
"That crossing is overviewable so there is no way they overlooked the cyclist." "The overviewable planner allows you to view and understand your team's schedule at a glance." "What do you like about this map style?" "It's very overviewable. I can effortlessly see how the streets are laid out.""
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(ant fucker) • Nitpicker, one who complains about every insignificant detail. Literally means "ant fucker".
"Die mierenneuker legt op alle slakken zout."
"That ant fucker puts salt on all snails."
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody, mostly in informal contexts
This is a curse word, or a prefix to amplify something. Like "fucking <thing>". Used alone, it's a bit the equivalent of saying "fuck!" in Québec.
*stumps toe* "Tabarnak!"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Neologism USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(world stroller) • People who travel the world, looking for adventures, without a specific destination. Welten means worlds and a bummler somebody who wanders around. 'Bummeln' is to stroll around, or wander around.
"Sie liebt es die Welt zu erkunden. Sie ist eine wahre Weltenbummlerin."
"She loves it the world to explore. She is a true Weltenbummlerin."
Submitted November 2023 by anonymous
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody
(Shitweather) • It's the word for the really shitty weather you encounter in the Northern parts of Germany - rain, more rain, and strong winds that even your best umbrella can't protect you from.
"Dieses Schietwetter mag ich nicht."
"This Schietwetter like I not."
Submitted November 2023 by anonymous
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
(noun) • (Late-y) • Little shops that sell snacks, alcohol, ice cream, chewing gum and random other things like milk or mulled wine, the list goes on. They are called Späti because they're open until late.
"Berlin ist berühmt für seine Spätis."
"Berlin is famous for its Spätis."
Submitted November 2023 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY everybody
(April-weather) • It's not so much the weather in April, more so a concept of weather that changes within seconds: One minute it's sunny, and the next it's hailing. Even though it is mostly used in the month of April, it can be used any day of the year when the weather is super unpredictable.
"Heute ist ja richtiges Aprilwetter!"
"Such April-weather we're having today!"
Submitted March 2023 by anonymous
perdersi in un bicchiere d’acqua
Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody
(to lose oneself in a glass of water) • To make a problem look bigger than it is.
"È proprio imbranato, si perde in un bicchiere d’acqua."
"He’s so clumsy, he loses himself in a glass of water."
Submitted June 2021 by anonymous
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(let the earth be light for him ) • This expression is used when someone dies. People use it to say they hope s/he rests in peace.
"Včera večer zomrel po ťažkom boji s rakovinou. Nech mu je zem ľahká."
"He died yesterday evening after a difficult battle with cancer. Let the earth be light for him."