Slang USED On Occasion BY Most People
(not even in your wildest dreams ) • This phrase is used to show denial over an absurd or unbelievable story.
"Μαμά δεν έχουμε καθόλου ασκήσεις για το σχολείο αύριο." "Ούτε στα πιο τρελά σου όνειρα δεν ισχύει αυτό."
"Mum we don't have any homework for school tomorrow." "Not even in your wildest dreams is this true!"
Submitted August 2020 by lefterismarga
| Neapolitan
Quanno chiove e nun se 'nfonne pe' terra
Idiom USED Frequently BY Most People
(When it rains and the earth doesn't get wet) • Used to say that a situation is an unlikely scenario.
"Ho sentito che Franco, il secchione, è uscito con quella gnocca di Paola." "Quanno chiove e nun se 'nfonne pe' terra."
"I have heard that Franco, the nerd, went out with that hot piece of ass of Paola." "When it rains and the earth doesn't get wet."
Submitted August 2020 by ottavio
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Young People
(Elver came) • Used when it starts raining heavily. Elver is short for "el vergazo de agua", which literally translates to "the water's big cock".
"¡Entrá que ya vino Elver!"
"Get inside because Elver came!"
Submitted August 2020 by marroqueen
Non hai tutti i venerdì a posto
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(You don't have all your Fridays in place) • To be crazy or a bit odd.
"Ma cosa stai dicendo?! Tu non hai tutti i venerdì a posto."
"What are you saying?! You don't have all your Fridays in place."
Interjection USED Frequently BY Young People
(so good!) • Used to say that something is cool.
"Je viens de gagner un voyage!" "Oh, trop bien!"
"I've just won a trip!" "That's so cool!"
| Baseldytsch
Expression USED Frequently BY Most People
(it ships) • Meaning it is pouring rain.
"Ich chum nid, es schifft."
"I'm not coming, it is shipping."
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • Nosy.
"Es una plática privada, no seas shute."
"It's a private conversation, don't be nosy."
Submitted August 2020 by ivette
Acronym USED Very frequently BY Young People
Acronym for "j'en peux plus", meaning "I can't take it anymore". Initially used in text messages but now frequently heard in speech, pronounced not as "j'en peux plus" but as each letter sounds in the French alphabet. Used whenever we are tired by or annoyed at something.
"Mon ex n'arrête pas de m'appeler, jpp !"
"My ex won't stop calling me, I can't take it anymore!"
Idiom USED Frequently BY Most People
(after the birds) • It is used to say when something is over and there's nothing else we can do with it.
"Koncert jest wyprzedany. I po ptakach!"
"This concert is sold out. And after the birds!"
Word USED Very frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • It is used when saying that something is cool.
"Când am mers la magazin am văzut un tricou mișto.”
"When I went to to shop I saw a cool t-shirt."
Submitted August 2020 by oana33
Expression USED Very frequently BY Young People
To carry someone on the back. Piggyback ride.
"Lucía se torció el tobillo y tuve que cargarla a manchis durante todo el recorrido por el museo."
"Lucía sprained her ankle and I had to carry her on my back for the entire tour of the museum."
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Most People
(to fart mints) • It's used to describe a feeling of extreme fear. To be frightened. Only used among friends, in an informal context.
"Πώς σας φάνηκε η ταινία IT;" "Στον Γιάννη άρεσε, αλλά εγώ έκλασα μέντες."
"How'd you like the movie IT?" "John liked it, but I farted mints."
Submitted August 2020 by nefeli
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(n.) • (paw) • Used to say my friend/buddy or to refer to a guy, but always used in 3rd person.
"Mañana mi pata hará una fiesta por su cumpleaños." "Mi hermano conoce un pata que te puede ayudar."
"Tomorrow, my paw is going to throw a party for his birthday." "My brother knows a paw who can help you."
Buenos Aires,
Expression USED Frequently BY Young People
(hi beautiful) • It's a way of saying hello to a close friend.
"Hola bella! Hacemos videollamada hoy un ratito?"
"Hi beautiful! Wanna make a videocall today for a while?"
Emoji USED Frequently BY Young People
Used by young people to convey annoyance or anger.
"When your headphones break mid journey 🙃🙃🙃"
Word USED Very frequently BY Most People
(v.) • (we left) • Usually said at the end of a conversation as a call to action.
"Πάμε παραλία?" "Φύγαμε"
"Wanna go to the beach?" "We left!"
Submitted August 2020 by nefeli
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(Do an ass farther) • This expression is said from a person who is standing to a person who is sitting, asking for some space to sit.
" Έχεις απλωθεί στον καναπέ, κάνε έναν κώλο πιο πέρα να κάτσω."
"You're spread all over the couch, do an ass farther for me to sit."
Submitted August 2020 by nefeli
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
Way to call a friend, abbreviation of "parceiro" which means "buddy".
"E aí parça."
"What's up bud."