Hungarian Hungary


Slang USED Frequently BY everybody

(to scythe) • To make a lot of money, especially through either fraud or some ingenious idea, markedly not hard work.

"A legsikeresebb online befolyásolók évente több millió dollárt kaszálnak."

"The most successful online influencers scythe millions of dollars a year."

Confirmed by 3 people


Oriya | Ganjamia Oriya Berhampur, India


Slang USED On Occasion BY Everybody

It refers to exaggerated talks with tinges of fun, frolic and a bit of lies. It is usually used as a term when someone is interested in gossiping about people but in a funny and non-sensical way.

"Bah tu bhaskuti-re mastrey."

"Ugh! You're the master of bhaskuti."

Confirmed by 2 people


Portuguese Brazil, Brazil


Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

Meaningless conversation. Boring and monotonous conversation, narrative or oratory piece.

"Essa tua lenga-lenga está me cansando."

"This lenga-lenga of yours is tiring me."

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Mexico

mal del puerco

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(bad of the pig) • When you finish eating and you get sleepy or drowsy.

"Comí demasiado y me dio el mal del puerco. Creo que tomaré una siesta."

"I ate so much and now I have the bad of the pig. I think I'll go take a nap. "

Italian Italy


Word USED Frequently BY Everybody

(noun) • Drowsiness after a rich and abundant meal.

"Non mangio ora o dopo mi viene l'abbiocco."

"I won't eat now, or I'll get an abbiocco later. "

Spanish Spanish speaking countries

ahogarse en un vaso de agua

Expression USED Very frequently BY everybody

(to drown in a glass of water) • When a person is being dramatically negative and cannot see a solution to their very insignificant problem.

"Qué le pasa a Jaime? Parece que se va a acabar el mundo." "Perdió el autobús." "Este chico se ahoga en un vaso de agua."

"What's wrong with James? It looks like he's devastated." "He missed the bus." "This guy drowns in a glass of water."


Italian | Regional Italian Italy


Slang USED Frequently BY everybody

(n.) • It means feeling sleepy and full after a big meal.

“Dopo pranzo mi è venuto l’abbiocco e mi sono messo a dormire”

"I felt the abbiocco after lunch and I went to sleep"


Portuguese Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

estar atucanado

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everybody

Used to express the feeling of being overwhelmed by the amount of issues (often work-related) one has to deal with.

"Tenho três relatórios pra entregar até sexta, então estou atucanado esta semana."

"I have three reports due by Friday, so I'm feeling overwhelmed this week."

Czech Czechia

padají trakaře

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY everybody

( wheelbarrows are falling) • This phrase means that it is raining a lot, it is also used when there is a storm outside.

"Nechoď dnes ven, padají trakaře!"

"Don't go outside today, the wheelbarrows are falling!"

Confirmed by 4 people

Polish Poland

na bank

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everybody

(for a bank) • Used to express certainty. An idiomatic equivalent to the English "for sure". Can also be used sarcastically.

"Czy będziesz dzisiaj na przyjęciu?" "Na bank!"

"Are you coming to today's party?" "for a bank!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Japanese Japan


Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

You use this expression when you want to say that something or someone is not being clear or is confusing. Also when someone is talking nonsense.

"本当に飛んでる馬を見かけたよ!" "なにとんちんかんなこと言ってるの?"

"I swear I saw a flying horse!" "Stop saying something so tonchinkan!"

Polish Poland

obiecywać komuś gruszki na wierzbie

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everybody can use it

(to promise someone pears on the willow) • When you promise something that is not possible / to make empty promises.

"Prezydent obiecywał gruszki na wierzbie, byleby tylko wygrać wybory."

"The president promised the pears on the willow to win the elections."

Confirmed by 4 people


Flemish Belgium

zo zot als een deur

Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

(as crazy as a door/backdoor) • Used when someone is completely out of their mind, doing something stupid or just acting really crazy. Also, in old Dutch ‘deur’ meant something as ‘fool’, so it doesn’t actually refer to a door, although no one really uses it that way anymore.

“Heb je gehoord wat hij vorig weekend heeft gedaan?” “Ja, hij is echt zo zot als een achterdeur!”

“Did you hear what he did last weekend?” “Yeah, he really is as crazy as a backdoor!”

Dutch Netherlands

houtje touwtje

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(little wood little rope) • When something is not really well put together, as if it were handcrafted from only wood and rope.

"Het achterlicht van de auto ging stuk, voor het moment heb ik het houtje touwtje gerepareerd"

"The backlight of my car was broke, for the moment I fixed it little wood little rope"

Confirmed by 3 people

Sranan Suriname

No brokko mi ede!

Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

(don't break my head) • The phrase is used when someone is stressing you out. You say this to draw a line and indicate you do not want to hear about it anymore because it is you causing stress.

You: 'The car is broken and we need to pay for the repair. How we gonna do that?' Me: 'I don't want to talk about it. No brokko mi ede.'

German Germany


Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(noun) • (behind Posemuckel) • A faraway place which is rural and far away from everything important. The back of beyond.

"Wir hatten uns verfahren und landeten dann irgendwo in Hinterposemuckel."

"We got lost and ended up somewhere behind Posemuckel."


Romanian Romania

la naiba-n praznic

Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

It is used for a place which is annoyingly far away.

-"De ce îi ia așa mult să se întoarcă?" -"Păi dacă s-a dus la naiba-n praznic"

-"Why is he taking so long to come back?" -"It's because he went to the devil's party"

Italian | Sardinian Sardinia , Italy

a casin'e Pompu

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(the house in Pompu) • Obscure, far away place

"Casa tua è molto lontana da qui?" "Sì, è a casin'e pompu"

"Is your home very far from here?" "Yes, it is at the home in Pompu"

Tagalog Philippines


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody

An overwhelming feeling one gets when they see something cute. You just want to squeeze the cute thing. Can also be when you're irritated or angry.

"Ang cute ng anak ni tita! Sarap kagatin. Nakakagigil!"

"Auntie's child is so cute! I could eat him right up. I'm all gigil!"


Hungarian Hungary

kösd fel a gatyád

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost everybody

(string up your pants) • Get ready for a hard task!

"Nem lesz könnyű az érettségi, úgyhogy kösd fel a gatyád!"

"The final exam won't be easy, so string up your pants!"