
German Germany

doof wie Stroh

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(stupid as straw) • Used to say that someone is not very intelligent.

"Er hat schon wieder seine Tasche vergessen." "Er ist echt doof wie Stroh."

"He forgot his bag again." "He really is as stupid as straw."

Confirmed by 2 people

German Germany

einen Haufen Asche haben

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to have a pile of ash) • to be rich

"Der hat echt einen Haufen Asche!"

"He is really rich!"

Confirmed by 3 people



German Germany

Tschö mit ö

Slang USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People

Another term for goodbye.

"Auf Wiedersehen!" "Tschö mit ö"

"Goodbye!" "Goodbye"

Confirmed by 2 people

German German speaking countries

Halt die Ohren steif!

Expression USED Frequently BY People Over 30

(Hold your ears stiff!) • Used during a goodbye and when you're trying to cheer someone up.

"Tschüss, bis bald, halt die Ohren steif!"

"Bye, see you soon, hold your ears stiff!"

Confirmed by 3 people


German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People

(interj.) • Form of saying 'bye', most commonly used in a cheery way when you're having a good day. A combination of "Tschüss" (bye) and the ending "kowski" which is a common Polish ending for a last name.

"Bis morgen! Tschüssikowski!"

"See you tomorrow! Tschüssikowski!"

Confirmed by 6 people

German Germany

ich glaub mein Fisch piept am letzten Loch

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(I think my fish beeps at the last hole) • An expression of ironic shock.

''Du hast meine pommes geklaut! Ich glaube mein Fisch piept am letzten Loch!''

''You stole my fries! I think my fish beeps at the last hole!''


German Switzerland

Du hesch doch nüm alli tassa im schrank!

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(You don’t have all your cups in your cupboard anymore!) • To ask if someone is serious, but implying that you think that their idea is crazy or dangerous.

"Du bisch im Gwitter go bada? Du hesch doch nüm alli Tassa im Schrank!"

"You went bathing in the middle of the thunderstorm? You don’t have all your cups in your cupboard anymore!"

Confirmed by 9 people

German Switzerland

Hesch dini sieba sacha?

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(Do you have your seven things?) • To ask someone if they have all their belongings, so that you can get going.

"Hesch dini sieba sacha? Miar kömmen sus no ds spot!"

"Do you have your seven things? Otherwise we’ll be late!"

Confirmed by 8 people

Swiss German Switzerland

heb dr latz

Expression USED Frequently BY Young People

(hold your apron) • an offensive and rude way to tell someone to shut up

"Heb dr Latz, du hesch jo eh kai Ahnig vo was du redsch!"

"Hold your apron, you don’t know what you‘re talking about anyways!"

Swiss German Switzerland

nia im leba!

Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People

(never in life) • Something that is very unlikely to happen, especially if you dare someone to do something.

"Nia im Leba gosch du jetzt zu dem Typ ana und frogsch ihn noch sinera Nummera!"

"Never in life would you go over to that guy and ask him for his number!"

Confirmed by 3 people


German | Baseldytsch Basel, Switzerland

es schifft

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

(it ships) • Meaning it is pouring rain.

"Ich chum nid, es schifft."

"I'm not coming, it is shipping."

Confirmed by 5 people

German German speaking countries

das Fass zum Überlaufen bringen

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to make the barrel overflow) • To cross the line of what is allowed or tolerable or: to cause the escalation of a situation.

"Jetzt reicht's! Mit deinen rücksichtslosen Aktionen bringst du das Fass echt zum Überlaufen!"

"That's enough! You really make the barrel overflow with your reckless actions!"

Confirmed by 2 people


German German speaking countries

Es schüttet wie aus Eimern

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(It is pouring out of buckets) • This phrase can be used to describe heavy rainfall.

"Wir mussten unser Familientreffen absagen, es schüttete wie aus Eimern."

"We had to cancel our family gathering, it was pouring out of buckets."

Confirmed by 8 people

German | Hessian Hessia, Germany


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Used in Hessia and parts

A way of saying Guten Tag.

"Gude, wie geht’s?"

"Hi, how are you?"

Confirmed by 2 people