Hindi India

ek teer se do nishaane

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

It is a popular Hindi phrase used in situations where someone gets two things done simultaneously using the effort of just one. It generally has a positive connotation. equivalent to the English idiom 'killing two birds with one stone'. "ek teer" means an arrow, while "do nishaane" means two targets.

"Maine test syllabus ka audio banaya tha aur aaj jogging karte hue soon liya." "Oho! Ek teer se do nishaane!"

"I created an audio of our test syllabus and today, while jogging, I listened to it." "Whoa! One arrow for two targets!"

English United Kingdom

brass monkey weather

Expression USED On Occasion BY People from Yorkshire

The expression "it is cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey" comes from the practice of putting iron cannon balls on a dimpled brass plate on the deck of a warship. When very cold the brass contracted sufficiently to cause the iron balls to fall out.

"Goodness, my fingers are freezing! It’s brass monkey weather! "

Dutch Netherlands

de tering

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(tuberculosis) • It's over, everything bad.

"De hele stad gaat naar de tering."

"The whole city is going to the tuberculosis."

English United States

only in Ohio

Expression USED On Occasion BY Mostly Americans

A reference to the hellish condition of the United States, although applicable anywhere.

"Bro, how is the United States $34.5T in debt?" "Only in Ohio, dawg."

Apulian Apulia, Italy

a stare

Expression USED Very frequently BY Young people

When you're in a chill situation, like having a drink with friends for no reason, or doing nothing in general while being relaxed. In dialect the verb "stare" (to stay) is used almost like the verb "essere" (to be), so it's like the action of being located in a place, with no motion.

"Guardalo, sta lì sulla sdraio con il suo spritz... proprio a stare."

"Look at him, just sitting there on the deckchair with his spritz... just staying there."

Arabic Palestine

كلام فاضي

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody

(empty talk) • Means nonsensical or unbelievable talk.

"بيقولوا إسرائيل بدها تدخل مساعدات." "كلام فاضي يا زلمة."

"They say Israel will let aid enter." "Empty talk, man."

Dutch Netherlands

niet pluis

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(not fluffy) • Used when someone has a feeling that something is up, not quite right, or feeling a little scared and unsafe.

"Ik hou er niet van om naar het wijkcentrum te gaan. Het is daar niet helemaal pluis."

“I don't like going to the community center. Something is not quite fluffy there.”

Dutch Netherlands

vlees in de kuip

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(meat in the tub) • Knowing 'what kind of meat you have in the tub' is about what someone is worth, what his qualities and skills are, what value he can bring to you. The expression probably comes from buying barrels of meat before the existence of fridges.

"We laten hem eerst even 1 week proefwerken, om te zien wat voor vlees we in de kuip hebben."

"We'll let him do a trial run for a week first, to see what kind of meat we have in the tub."

Dutch Netherlands

pak 'm beet

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(grab it) • Used when making a rough estimate about something.

"Deze man werkt hier volgens mij al pak 'm beet 20 jaar.'

"This man has been working here for grab it 20 years."

Scottish Scotland


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

Fed up with something. Used to describe a feeling of discontentment with something. Not used to describe a generally feeling of being low.

“I’m absolutely scunnered with this place!”


Turkish Turkey


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone in Turkey

It is an expression you use when you get angry, call someone, pamper children, swear, feel shocked or flabbergasted or confused.

"Lan sen ne kadar büyümüşşün!" "Seni 8 yıldır Murat'la aldatıyorum." "Lan!?" "Hassiktir lan!"

"Lan how much you've grown!" "I've been cheating on you with Murat for 8 years." "Lan!?" "Fuck you lan!"

Dutch Netherlands

studieontwijkend gedrag

Expression USED Very frequently BY Students

(study avoiding behavior) • Anything you do when you really should be studying.

“Ik heb tijdens mijn studieontwijkend gedrag Swahili geleerd”

“During my study avoiding behavior I learned Swahili”


Hebrew Israel

הכל טוסט

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(everything is toast) • A play on the words "hakol tov" meaning "everything is good".

"מה שלומך?" "הכל טוסט"

"How are you?" "Everything is toast."

English United States


Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY teenagers

"Swagé" is a slang term often used by American youths to describe a state of mind or an aura that combines calmness, collectedness, with an extremely cool and hip demeanor. It can refer to a person, thing, or event that exudes an effortless style and confidence, conveying a sense of uniqueness and appeal that sets them apart in a positive and trendy manner. This term encapsulates the essence of being untroubled and self-assured while also being at the forefront of contemporary trends and social appeal. The term "swagé" does not have a direct literal translation because it is a slang term combining the concepts of "swag" which implies style or coolness, and an embellished ending that could imply a sense of elegance or sophistication. However, if we were to create a "literal" translation based on the intended meaning provided earlier, it would be something like "elegant coolness" or "sophisticated swagger." This attempts to convey the original sense of a calm, collected, and extremely cool or hip state.

"Did you see Maya at the party last night? She walked in with such swagé, owning the room without even trying. Everyone was drawn to her vibe." "The concert last night was the definition of swagé. From the chill vibe to the cutting-edge music, everything was perfectly curated to give off an effortlessly cool atmosphere."


Chinese China


Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

(250) • Used to describe someone as stupid, or moronic. Origins are debated but often ascribed to a legend about a king offering a 1000 coin reward to anyone admitting to a minister's murder. Four people showed up and offered to split the reward evenly. They were all executed for the 250. Another explanation is that 500 taels were saved by running a rope through the hole in the middle of the coin; the word for half of this rope (250 taels) is a homonym for half-crazy.


"You 250, you can't even make eggs?"

French France

tant mieux

Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

(so much better) • Expression used to express a positive surprised emotion when something unexpected happens (works with positive and negative events).

"Ma femme a décidé de changer de travail. Tant mieux ! Elle se sentira utile et va rayonner." "Mon mec m'a quitté pour une greluche. Tant mieux ! Il commençait à me gonfler de toutes façons."

“My wife has decided to change jobs. So much the better! She will feel useful and will shine.” "My boyfriend left me for a girl. So much the better! He was starting to piss me off anyway."

Turkish Turkey


Expression USED Frequently BY everyone

Confident expression means something along the lines of we'll take care of it. We'll handle it. We'll figure something out. Don't worry. No hurries. Also may contain uncertainty.

"Tamir işi ne olacak?" "Hallederiz."

"What about the repair work?" "We'll handle it."

Turkish Turkey

kolay gelsin

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody

This is said to person when working on a task or working in general. The sayer wishes that the task at hand comes easily to the doer or completed without any difficulties.

Man walking on the street sees a garbage collector pushing the garbage can towards the garbage truck: "Kolay gelsin hemşerim!"


English United Kingdom

chocolate teapot

Expression USED Frequently BY Most people

Something or someone that is a of little practical use. Sometimes "fireguard" is substituted for "teapot".

"Rishi has made a mistake again. I swear he is about as useful as a chocolate teapot."

Swedish Sweden

ingen ko på isen

Expression USED In the past BY Some people

(no cow on the ice) • Meaning there’s nothing to worry about or everything is under control.

“Jag är så sen och måste till jobbet” "Ta det lugnt - ingen ko på isen"

"I'm so late and have to go to work" "Take it easy - no cow on the ice"