Polish Poland

a idź pan w chuj

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

Semi-vulgar expression meant to express hopeless situation one does not want to take part in anymore. Usually expressed when someone was involved in something before (a discussion, a project, a problem, maintaining a device like an unreliable car) and came to conclusion that it is helpless or not worth continuation. It shall not be confused with more general and vulgar "idź w chuj" which is the equivalent of Russian "иди на хуй" which means "get the fuck out of here". This form uses more formal expression meant to address person with respect and the reception to Poles sounds like "sir, could you please get the fuck out of here?". It may be translated as more vulgar form of "to hell with it", eg. "to fuck with it". It should be understood as an equivalent of "take this out of my sight". The expression itself is not considered offensive or insulting although the usage of vulgar world "chuj" limits it to informal and casual usage only.

"A idź pan w chuj z tą polityką.", "Znowu nie działa, a idź pan w chuj." > Co z twoim samochodem? > A idź pan w chuj.

"To fuck with this politics", "Does not work again, to fuck with it" > How about your car? > To fuck with it.

Flemish (Meetjeslands) Belgium

(mijn) schup afkuisen

Expression USED Frequently BY Dialect speakers but also younger people

(clean my shovel) • When one is ready to leave or gives up on something.

"Ja, 'k ga dan keer mijn schup afkuisen" "'t Is tijd om mijn schup af te kuisen"

"Yes, I'm going to clean my shovel over time" "'It's time to clean my shovel"




East-Frisian | Low German, Frisian East Frisia, Germany

Moin moin!

Expression USED Frequently BY East-Frisians

(Hello) • The double-Moin is an expression of greeting a group of people, mainly used by natives of East-Frisia (North-Western Germany), as well as by the tourism industry. Unlike the single Moin, it's very rarely followed by a name.

"Bernd tritt in eine Bar: «Moin moin!» Seine freunde: «Moin Bernd!»"

"Bernd enters a bar: «Hello!» His friends: «Hello Bernd!»"

Dutch Netherlands

kort door de bocht

Expression USED On Occasion BY most people

(short through the curve) • Reductive or oversimplified.

"Dat argument vind ik wel heel erg kort door de bocht."

"I think that argument is very short through the curve."

Dutch Netherlands

geen droog brood [eraan] verdienen

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(to not earn dry bread) • To not be able to make a living or earn any money at all from something.

"Ga je filosofie studeren? Daar kan je nog geen droog brood aan verdienen!"

"Are you going to study philosophy? You can't earn dry bread from that!"

English United States

september scaries

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

According to the New York Times, it is defined as a combination of dread, regret, and anticipation that accompanies the end of a communal pause and the beginning of a hectic and demanding time.

"I am really feeling the September Scaries this year."

English United States

monster soup

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY people who are afraid of the ocean

The ocean.

“I am never getting in the ocean again, that shit is monster soup.”

English United States

that dollar won’t get you cup of coffee at Starbucks

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY some people

That argument won’t get you very far. That argument alone isn’t enough.

“Sure, he is a great singer, but that dollar won’t get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.”

German Germany


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

Means something is average, not very special.

"This password is 0815"

German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

An innocent way to admonish someone who's being stupid

"Du bist so ein Haubentaucher!"

You're such a grebe!"


French French speaking countries

prendre la poudre d'escampette

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Adults

( to take the powder of the escape) • To run away, to flee.

"Hier, ma maison a été cambriolée, et au moment où je cherchais les voleurs, ils avaient déjà pris la poudre d'escampette."

"Yesterday, my house was robbed, and when I looked for the thieves, they had already fled."

Confirmed by 7 people

Hindi India

ek teer se do nishaane

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

It is a popular Hindi phrase used in situations where someone gets two things done simultaneously using the effort of just one. It generally has a positive connotation. equivalent to the English idiom 'killing two birds with one stone'. "ek teer" means an arrow, while "do nishaane" means two targets.

"Maine test syllabus ka audio banaya tha aur aaj jogging karte hue soon liya." "Oho! Ek teer se do nishaane!"

"I created an audio of our test syllabus and today, while jogging, I listened to it." "Whoa! One arrow for two targets!"

English United Kingdom

brass monkey weather

Expression USED On Occasion BY People from Yorkshire

The expression "it is cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey" comes from the practice of putting iron cannon balls on a dimpled brass plate on the deck of a warship. When very cold the brass contracted sufficiently to cause the iron balls to fall out.

"Goodness, my fingers are freezing! It’s brass monkey weather! "

Dutch Netherlands

de tering

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(tuberculosis) • It's over, everything bad.

"De hele stad gaat naar de tering."

"The whole city is going to the tuberculosis."

English United States

only in Ohio

Expression USED On Occasion BY Mostly Americans

A reference to the hellish condition of the United States, although applicable anywhere.

"Bro, how is the United States $34.5T in debt?" "Only in Ohio, dawg."

Apulian Apulia, Italy

a stare

Expression USED Very frequently BY Young people

When you're in a chill situation, like having a drink with friends for no reason, or doing nothing in general while being relaxed. In dialect the verb "stare" (to stay) is used almost like the verb "essere" (to be), so it's like the action of being located in a place, with no motion.

"Guardalo, sta lì sulla sdraio con il suo spritz... proprio a stare."

"Look at him, just sitting there on the deckchair with his spritz... just staying there."

Arabic Palestine

كلام فاضي

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody

(empty talk) • Means nonsensical or unbelievable talk.

"بيقولوا إسرائيل بدها تدخل مساعدات." "كلام فاضي يا زلمة."

"They say Israel will let aid enter." "Empty talk, man."

Dutch Netherlands

niet pluis

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(not fluffy) • Used when someone has a feeling that something is up, not quite right, or feeling a little scared and unsafe.

"Ik hou er niet van om naar het wijkcentrum te gaan. Het is daar niet helemaal pluis."

“I don't like going to the community center. Something is not quite fluffy there.”

Dutch Netherlands

vlees in de kuip

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(meat in the tub) • Knowing 'what kind of meat you have in the tub' is about what someone is worth, what his qualities and skills are, what value he can bring to you. The expression probably comes from buying barrels of meat before the existence of fridges.

"We laten hem eerst even 1 week proefwerken, om te zien wat voor vlees we in de kuip hebben."

"We'll let him do a trial run for a week first, to see what kind of meat we have in the tub."

Dutch Netherlands

pak 'm beet

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(grab it) • Used when making a rough estimate about something.

"Deze man werkt hier volgens mij al pak 'm beet 20 jaar.'

"This man has been working here for grab it 20 years."