a idź pan w chuj

Polish Poland

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

Semi-vulgar expression meant to express hopeless situation one does not want to take part in anymore. Usually expressed when someone was involved in something before (a discussion, a project, a problem, maintaining a device like an unreliable car) and came to conclusion that it is helpless or not worth continuation. It shall not be confused with more general and vulgar "idź w chuj" which is the equivalent of Russian "иди на хуй" which means "get the fuck out of here". This form uses more formal expression meant to address person with respect and the reception to Poles sounds like "sir, could you please get the fuck out of here?". It may be translated as more vulgar form of "to hell with it", eg. "to fuck with it". It should be understood as an equivalent of "take this out of my sight". The expression itself is not considered offensive or insulting although the usage of vulgar world "chuj" limits it to informal and casual usage only.

"A idź pan w chuj z tą polityką.", "Znowu nie działa, a idź pan w chuj." > Co z twoim samochodem? > A idź pan w chuj.

"To fuck with this politics", "Does not work again, to fuck with it" > How about your car? > To fuck with it.