German Austria


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people, elderly people

(amniotic sac) • Synonym for hot water bottle, with the connotations of comfort, being sick and getting better

"Oma macht dir dein Fruchtblasl, damit du gesund wirst."

"Grandma will get you your hot water bottle to help you get better soon."

German Germany, Switzerland, Austria


Word USED Very frequently BY everybody

It means "No, you are wrong and I am right" in one word.

"Hier darf man nicht schneller als 50 Meilen fahren!“ "Doch!"

"You cannot drive faster than 50 miles here!" "Yes, you can!"


Austrian Austria


Sound USED On Occasion BY Native speakers

(Squirrel tail) • This is a word that is often used as a humorous "test" for non native speakers learning German/Austrian. It literally means "squirrel tail", but in a very heavy accent, which makes it quite hard to pronounce for someone who isn't a native speaker.

"Oh you're learning German/Austrian? Say Oachkatzlschwoaf!"


German | Austrian Dialect Austria

hätti wari dadi!

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(had I, did I, would I) • Similar to "woulda, coulda, shoulda", this phrase is used to dismiss hypothetical thoughts of what could have been.

"Wann i gwusst hätt, dass so staut, wär i früher losgfahren!" "Hätti, wari, dadi!"

"If I had known there would be this much traffic, I'd left earlier!" "Had I, did I, would I!"

Confirmed by 3 people

German | Austrian Dialect Austria

üba d Heisa haun

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to throw oneself over the houses) • To go away or to leave. it is frequently, but not exclusively, used in an imperative, rude way.

"Fertig samma. Hau di üba d Heisa!"

"We're finished here. Throw yourself over the houses!"

German | Austrian Austria

si gspian

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to feel oneself) • used to describe being in control of one's emotions; In its negation, it can be used to describe someone being crazy, out of control, or crossing boundaries -mostly regarding intoxication. The imperative "gspia di!" is equivalent to "pull yourself together".

"Der Hund gspiat si goa nimma, wia vü Hoibe hat der scho ghabt?"

"That guy is totally out of control, how many beers has he had already?"

German Austria


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • A noun used to describe any very small thing, or small part of a substance, e.g. a speck of dust.

"Is no was vom Speck über?" "Nur mehr a Fuzerl."

"Is there something left of the bacon?" "Only a small bit"

German Austria

schwein haben

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to have pig ) • To be lucky that something didn't happen.

"Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich es vor dem Regen schaffe. Aber ich habs geschafft!" "Da hast du ja Schwein gehabt!"

"I really thought I would not make it before the rain, but I made it!" "You really had pig!"

Confirmed by 5 people



German | Austrian Austria


Interjection USED Frequently BY Most People

(interj.) • It is a way of saying hello and/or bye that's only used in informal settings (e.g. with friends or family).

"Servus! Wie geht's? Lange nicht mehr gesehen!"

"Hi! How are you? Long time no see!"

Confirmed by 4 people



German Styria, Austria


Slang USED On Occasion BY frequent in rural area

(adj.) • It is a form of direction, something like 'across'. Can also indicate a shortcut.

"Was ist der schnellste Weg?" "Erst gerade die Straße entlang und dann gschreams über das Feld."

"What is the fastest route to go there?" "First you go straight ahead down the street and then you go cross the field."

German | Dialect Austria

baba und foi net

Expression USED On Occasion BY Slang

(bye and don't fall) • Used to say goodbye and take care. Often used in an ironic or joking context to end a conversation when there is nothing left to say. It is also the line of a famous song by Austrian singer Wolfgang Ambros.

"Es ist schon spät, wir sollten nach Hause gehen." "Ja dann, baba und foi net."

"It's late. we should go home." "Well then, bye and don't fall."


German Austria

die Nerven schmeißen

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to throw one's nerves) • To feel overwhelmed or to have a mental breakdown.

"Nachdem mein Laptop zum dritten Mal abgestürzt ist, habe ich die Nerven geschmissen."

"After my laptop crashed for the third time, I threw my nerves."

Confirmed by 3 people

German Germany and Austria

Grüß Gott!

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(Greet God!) • Saying "Grüß Gott!" is a polite way of greeting people in Southern Germany and Austria. Despite its obviously religious background, this greeting is being used by everyone, regardless of their religious orientation. Furthermore, it can be used at all times of the day.

"Grüß Gott! Ich würde gerne einen Termin für nächste Woche buchen."

"Greet God! I would like to book an appointment for next week."

Confirmed by 3 people


German Carinthia, Austria


Interjection USED Frequently BY Everyone

(interj.) • Can be used at the end or in the middle of sentences as well as on its own. Its usage at the end of a sentence usually (but not always) implies that your dialogue partner expects you to either approve or reject what was just said whereas on its own, it expresses approval towards a statement.

"Der Umzug war anstrengend, ga?"

"The move was exhausting, wasn't it?"


German Austria


Word USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • A way of saying hello to your friends.

"Servus! Wie geht's?"

"Hi! How's it going?"

Confirmed by 2 people


German Austria

die Kirche ums Kreuz tragen

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(carrying the church around the cross) • Used when somebody does something in an unnecessarily complicated way

"Mach das nicht so, da trägst du die Kirche ums Kreuz."

"Don‘t do it that way, you are carrying the church around the cross."


German | Viennese Eastern Austria, Austria


Slang USED Frequently BY Young People

(adj.) • Something really cool and great.

"Gestern war wirklich leiwand!"

"Yesterday was awesome!"

Confirmed by 2 people