| Flemish
Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(As crazy as a back door) • used to refer to someone who is very crazy, or behaving like they are.
"Caligula was zo zot als een achterdeur: hij benoemde zelfs zijn paard tot consul!"
"Caligula was as crazy as a back door: he even made his horse consul!"
Submitted April 2021 by paulinemeganck
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(noun) • When you are in the mood for something to eat or drink, sometimes for something specific, sometimes for food in general. Could also be used in an explicit sense.
"Ik heb goesting in een goei stuk chocolat."
"I am in the mood for a big piece of chocolate."
| Flemish
As ons kat een koei was, konnen we ze melken veu de stoof
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(If our cat was a cow, we could milk it in front of the hearth) • Used as a reply when someone says something hypothetical starting with "If". It expresses something like: "it's no use thinking that way, because things aren't that way."
"As we een kaart hadde meegenome zoude we nà zo nie zitte zuken." "Ja, en as ons kat een koei was, konnen we ze melken veu de stoof."
"If we had brought a map, we wouldn't be searching like this." "Yes, and if our cat was a cow, we could milk it in front of the hearth."
| Flemish
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(the ass of pluto) • The middle of nowhere
"We waren echt in het hol van pluto, er was geen enkel huis te bespeuren!"
"We were really in the ass of pluto, there were no houses to be seen!"
| Flemish
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(to fall with your ass in the butter) • To be very lucky, to end up in a good place
"De eigenaar van het hotel was heel vriendelijk. We zijn er echt met ons gat in de boter gevallen!"
"The owner of the hotel was very nice. We really fell with our asses in the butter there!"
| Flemish
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People
(life is not a pony camp) • Life is not always easy.
"Ik ben gebuisd voor mijn examen. Helaas, maar het leven is geen ponykamp."
"I failed my exam. It sucks, but life's not a pony camp."
| Flemish
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(too much of the good) • When there’s such an excessive amount of something you normally like, it’s no longer enjoyable.
"Chocomelk én brownies, da’s te veel van het goede."
"Chocolate milk AND brownies, that’s too much of the good."