Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(flying hours ) • Hours of experience.

“Ik hou van schilderen maar ik heb nog niet genoeg vlieguren om het goed te doen.”

“I love painting, but I don’t have enough flying hours to do it well”

German Austria


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people, elderly people

(amniotic sac) • Synonym for hot water bottle, with the connotations of comfort, being sick and getting better

"Oma macht dir dein Fruchtblasl, damit du gesund wirst."

"Grandma will get you your hot water bottle to help you get better soon."

Dutch Netherlands

de tering

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(tuberculosis) • It's over, everything bad.

"De hele stad gaat naar de tering."

"The whole city is going to the tuberculosis."

Dutch Netherlands

niet pluis

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(not fluffy) • Used when someone has a feeling that something is up, not quite right, or feeling a little scared and unsafe.

"Ik hou er niet van om naar het wijkcentrum te gaan. Het is daar niet helemaal pluis."

“I don't like going to the community center. Something is not quite fluffy there.”


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(pepper expensive) • Very expensive.

"Die jas is echt peperduur!"

"That jacket is really pepper expensive!"


Dutch Netherlands

niet de bedoeling

Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(not the intention) • A way to say you disapprove of what is happening, or think that what is happening is ludicrous.

"Ik heb het geld voor eten gebruikt om sigaretten te kopen." "Ja maar dat is niet de bedoeling!"

“I used the food money to buy cigarettes.” "Yes, but that's not the intention!"

Dutch Netherlands

vlees in de kuip

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(meat in the tub) • Knowing 'what kind of meat you have in the tub' is about what someone is worth, what his qualities and skills are, what value he can bring to you. The expression probably comes from buying barrels of meat before the existence of fridges.

"We laten hem eerst even 1 week proefwerken, om te zien wat voor vlees we in de kuip hebben."

"We'll let him do a trial run for a week first, to see what kind of meat we have in the tub."

Dutch Netherlands

pak 'm beet

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(grab it) • Used when making a rough estimate about something.

"Deze man werkt hier volgens mij al pak 'm beet 20 jaar.'

"This man has been working here for grab it 20 years."


Hebrew Israel

הכל טוסט

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(everything is toast) • A play on the words "hakol tov" meaning "everything is good".

"מה שלומך?" "הכל טוסט"

"How are you?" "Everything is toast."


Portuguese Brazil

cabra de sorte

Slang USED Frequently BY Some people

(goat of luck) • The word 'cabra' is actually in play here, as in some places in Brazil people use it to describe 'person' or 'man'... so 'cabra de sorte' means a lucky person.

"Marcos é um cabra de sorte, ele ganhou $ 500 numa raspadinha de loteria outro dia!"

"Marcos is a goat of luck, he won $500 on a lottery scratch-off the other day!"

English United Kingdom

at it like knives

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

1. To be exuberantly having sex. 2. To argue loudly (rarer) A slightly old-fashioned phrase.

"I could hear my neighbours at it like knives all night!"

Swedish Sweden

ingen ko på isen

Expression USED In the past BY Some people

(no cow on the ice) • Meaning there’s nothing to worry about or everything is under control.

“Jag är så sen och måste till jobbet” "Ta det lugnt - ingen ko på isen"

"I'm so late and have to go to work" "Take it easy - no cow on the ice"

Slovenian Slovenia

jebati ježa

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(to fuck a hedgehog) • To be doing something unpleasant.

"Vozit greš v 20 cm snega? To boš jebal ježa."

"You're going to drive in 20 cm of snow? You'll be fucking a hedgehog. "

West Frisian Netherlands

wat binne wy moai fuort, net?

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY some people

(we are beautifully away, aren't we?) • A phrase people like to say to each other when they are on an outing or trip, as a way to say express that you are having a good time.

*op it strân* "Wat binne wy moai fuort, net?"

*on the beach* "We are beautifully away, aren't we?"

English England

the dog's bollocks

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some people

A vulgar, somewhat blokish, expression for something or someone that is very good. The phrase dates back to at least the 1940s but is still in common (vulgar) use

"That new show is the dog's bollocks!"

Turkish Turkey

bu ne perhiz bu ne lahana turşusu

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some people

(what a diet, what a sauerkraut) • This idiom means to act in a way that contradicts one's own words. It is generally expressed to condemn people whose words and actions do not match.

"Adam dün neler diyordu, şimdi neler yapıyor, bu ne perhiz bu ne lahana turşusu?"

"That guy was saying one thing yesterday, now doing the opposite, what kind of a diet, what kind of a sauerkraut is this?"

English United Kingdom

not as green as cabbage-looking

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

To not be as naive as someone appears. To be smarter or more intelligent than expected.

"They tried to hide the dent so I'd pay full price, but I'm not as green as I am cabbage-looking."

Tagalog Philippines


Word USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some people

The layer of crunchy burnt rice left at the bottom of the pot after cooking.

“Hindi na nya kinain ang tutong sa kaldero dahil mapait ang lasa.”

“They did not eat the burnt rice in the pot because it tastes bitter.”

English Canada


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

A noun to be used in place of "thing"

"I forget what it's called, but pass me that chummy"

Turkish Turkey


Hashtag USED On Occasion BY Some People

(#HagiaSophiaIsAMuseum) • A hashtag created to show disapproval of the Turkish government's decision to turn the Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

"Ayasofya milletlerin ve dinlerin ortak buluşma noktasıdır. #AyasofyaMüzedir , mirastır ve korunmalıdır."

"Hagia Sophia is a meeting point of nations and religions. #HagiaSophiaIsAMuseum , a legacy and should be protected. "