
Italian Lombardy and Tessin, Italy and Switzerland

Dopo sette fette, ha capito che era polenta

Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Mostly old people

(After seven slices, s/he realized it was polenta) • Used to describe someone who realizes something obvious, especially after doing the same thing in a more long or difficult way for a long time.

"Ieri mio fratello ha scoperto che può sbloccare il suo telefono con l'impronta digitale." "Beh, dopo sette fette ha capito che era polenta!"

"Yesterday my brother discovered he can unlock his phone with his fingerprint." "Well, after seven slices he realized it was polenta!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Italian Italy and Switzerland

per carità!

Interjection USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(for charity!) • Generally at the end of the sentence to stress that something is negative. Equivalent to "God forbid" or "hell no".

"Giovanna, ma ti piace Marco o no?" "Ma per carità!"

"Giovanna, do you or do you not like Marco?" "For God‘s sake, no!"

Confirmed by 7 people

Italian Italy and Switzerland


Word USED On Occasion BY Lombards and Swiss people

(n.) • (little female Spaniard) • It means "peanut".

"A Capodanno non possono mai mancare le spagnolette!"

"Peanuts can't ever miss for New Year's!"