Slang USED On Occasion BY Teenagers
(to give the major-fart) • Informal term used for when someone is about to die, or is already dying.
"Ele já vai dar o peido-mestre." "He's about to do a major fart."
Submitted December 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(It rains as God sends it) • When it’s pouring, usually used when talking about the weather.
“Com’è il tempo?” “Piove come Dio la manda.”
“What’s the weather like?” “It’s raining as God sends it.”
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Everyone
(half of the world is filled with the same flower) • There is more boys or girls out there.
"Rozstaliście się ale nie martw się, tego kwiata jest pół świata."
"You guys broke up but no worry, half of the world is filled with the same flower."
| Low German, Frisian
East Frisia,
Expression USED Frequently BY East-Frisians
The double-Moin is an expression of greeting a group of people, mainly used by natives of East-Frisia (North-Western Germany), as well as by the tourism industry. Unlike the single Moin, it's very rarely followed by a name.
"Bernd tritt in eine Bar: «Moin moin!» Seine freunde: «Moin Bernd!»"
"Bernd enters a bar: «Hello!» His friends: «Hello Bernd!»"
Submitted September 2024 by dc9v
Word USED Frequently BY Everybody
Tumben is a word used to express that emotion of slight surprise when you witness someone does something that is out of their usual habit or out of their stated commitment. It can also be used as a sarcastic remark for the same situation above.
“Tumben bangun pagi, biasanya molor mulu.” “Tumben lu minum, katanya gak mau minum alkohol lagi.” “Kok tumben lu minum kopi?”
“Wow it’s surprising that you wake up early, you usually sleep in.” “What a surprise that you’re drinking, you said you wouldn’t drink alcohol anymore.” “(It’s unusual,) what makes you drink coffee (now)?”
Submitted August 2024 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY people who own records
(turned grey) • Playing a record so often that it becomes damaged and the music quality decreases.
"Had jij ook een LP van Rumours van Fleetwood Mac?" "Ja joh, die heb ik helemaal grijsgedraaid."
"Did you also have an LP of Rumours by Fleetwood Mac?" "Oh yeah, I turned that one completely grey."
Submitted September 2024 by amarens
Expression USED Frequently BY everyone informally
(bitter dicks) • When it's a problematic situation which doesn't end up well.
"Emilio ha rotto la sua macchina. Adesso oer arrivare a lavoro in orario saranno cazzi amari."
"Emilio broke his car. Now to get to work on time it will be bitter dicks "
Submitted November 2024 by anonymous
Southwest Norway and Northern Norway,
Word USED Frequently BY dialect speakers
Slippery ice on the ground that's hidden under a thin layer of loose snow so you can't see it.
"Vær forsiktig når du går, det er blindhålke"
"Be careful when you walk, there is blindhålke"
Submitted October 2024 by anonymous
Low Saxon
| Gronings
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
Stuff, bunch, everything, the whole thing, rubbish
"En den moakt ze de boudel zo goud en zo kwoad as dat gaait vaast."
"And then she fastens everything as good and as bad as that goes."
Submitted October 2024 by anonymous
Slang USED In the past BY some people
Slang for wallet.
"Nemam ništa u mojem šajtogu..."
"I don't have anything in my wallet..."
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody
Semi-vulgar expression meant to express hopeless situation one does not want to take part in anymore. Usually expressed when someone was involved in something before (a discussion, a project, a problem, maintaining a device like an unreliable car) and came to conclusion that it is helpless or not worth continuation. It shall not be confused with more general and vulgar "idź w chuj" which is the equivalent of Russian "иди на хуй" which means "get the fuck out of here". This form uses more formal expression meant to address person with respect and the reception to Poles sounds like "sir, could you please get the fuck out of here?". It may be translated as more vulgar form of "to hell with it", eg. "to fuck with it". It should be understood as an equivalent of "take this out of my sight". The expression itself is not considered offensive or insulting although the usage of vulgar world "chuj" limits it to informal and casual usage only.
"A idź pan w chuj z tą polityką.", "Znowu nie działa, a idź pan w chuj." > Co z twoim samochodem? > A idź pan w chuj.
"To fuck with this politics", "Does not work again, to fuck with it" > How about your car? > To fuck with it.
Submitted October 2024 by anonymous
Flemish (Meetjeslands)
Expression USED Frequently BY Dialect speakers but also younger people
(clean my shovel) • When one is ready to leave or gives up on something.
"Ja, 'k ga dan keer mijn schup afkuisen" "'t Is tijd om mijn schup af te kuisen"
"Yes, I'm going to clean my shovel over time" "'It's time to clean my shovel"
Submitted October 2024 by anonymous
Slang USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(Tisha Be-Av face) • As the English expression "long face", meaning, a facial expression denoting sadness, disappointment or gloom. From the fact that תשעה באב (Tisha Be-Av) is a mourning day that commemorates various tragedies in Jewish history, the most central of which are the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. Used primarily in a humorous context.
"תסתכל עליו. מאז שהקבוצה שלו הפסידה בגמר, הוא מסתובב עם פרצוף תשעה באב."
"Look at him. Ever since his team lost in the final, he’s been walking around with a Tisha Be-Av face."
Submitted September 2024 by anonymous
| Venetian Dialect
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
The evergreen Venetian dialect word. It can express joy, sadness, fury, confusion, it can be an insult or a praise. It can be literally the female reproductive organs.
'Ma va in mona', 'Vara che bea mona', 'Ti xe un mona', 'Il saggio sa niente, lo stupido sa qualcosa, il mona sa tutto'
'Go to hell', 'Look at this beautiful lady', 'You are a moron' , 'A wise person knows nothing, a stupid person knows something, a moron knows everything'
Submitted August 2024 by anonymous
| Venetian Dialect
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
This word literally means male pig. It is used for insulting a disgusting person, to indicate that a person is eating too much, or (more directly) to talk about male pigs.
'No sta fare el mas'cio', 'Vara che se te magni cosi tanto, va a finirla che te diventi un mas'cio', 'Ghemo fatto a sopressa col mas'cio de ieri'
'Don't be a pig', 'If you're eating as much, you will be as fat as a pig', 'We made salami with the pig from yesterday'
Submitted August 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY most people
(short through the curve) • Reductive or oversimplified.
"Dat argument vind ik wel heel erg kort door de bocht."
"I think that argument is very short through the curve."
Submitted August 2024 by amarens
Word USED On Occasion BY Kids and Parents
It's a baby or toddler word, usually used by babies or parents talking to their babies to indicate an injury or pain.
"ماما اجري واوا."
"Mama my leg wawa."
Submitted March 2024 by zahrft
Word USED Frequently BY Adults in Scotland
Dreich is used to describe weather that is overcast, drizzly, grey, misty, just not very nice. Very typical for Scotland.
"Have you seen the weather today? It's dreich, we won't be able to go ahead with that picnic we had planned."
Submitted August 2024 by gtopoppy