| Gaditano
Slang USED Very frequently BY Everybody
There is two ways to explain "Bastinazo", one definition will be the standard one and most commonly used for people out of Cadiz (Andalucia): When you want to define something huge or big. It also applies to situations that occur out of the commonplace. Something unusual. The second way it would be more commonly used as a joke, but it defines very well the context of the Cadiz humor: First you hold the penis with one hand, then with the other hand you hold it as well and the rest of the penis that you can't hold, that is a "bastinazo". *In some areas out of Cadiz, people use it also replacing the letter "z" by "s", keeping the same meaning but writing it as "Bastinaso".
"Mi madre se ha comprado una bicicleta de 4 metros de largo que le ha costado 20.000 euros." "En serio? Que bastinazo!"
"My mother has bought a 4-meter-long bicycle that cost her 20,000 euros." "Really? What a bastinazo!"
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous