* another pasta
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone
It is used to say that something or a situation is totally different, mostly when you are talking about something, and someone mentions something similar, that you don't think to be relevant or related.
"Soha ne fogadd el, ha megvesztegetnek!" "De akkor te miért tetted a múltkor?" "Az teljesen más tészta! Akkor le voltam égve." "Új élmény lesz egy irodában dolgozni. Volt már könyvtári munkahelyem korábban, de az más tészta."
"Never accept bribery!" "Then why did you do it last time?" "That was totally different! I was broke then." "It'll be a new experience to work in an office. I've had a job in a library before, but that's totally different."
Submitted July 2021 by anonymous