zsákbamacskát árulni*
* to sell cat in the sack
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Zsákbamacska ("cat in the sack") is a gambling game at fairs where you can buy one sack out of a bunch of identical sacks but you never know what it contains, it is always a surprise. If you sell zsákbamacska you are hiding your true intentions, you are being secretive and probably not completely honest.
"Ne félj, én nem árulok zsákbamacskát!"
"Don't be afraid, I don't sell cat in the sack!"
Submitted December 2020
by janka
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<h2>zsákbamacskát árulni</h2>
<h3>Literal translation: zsákbamacskát árulni</h3>
<p>Zsákbamacska ("cat in the sack") is a gambling game at fairs where you can buy one sack out of a bunch of identical sacks but you never know what it contains, it is always a surprise. If you sell zsákbamacska you are hiding your true intentions, you are being secretive and probably not completely honest.</p>