| Roman dialect
Expression USED Frequently BY Most People
(there's no tripe for cats) • Used to say that you should accept things as they are because no options/alternatives are available; used to say that something is unattainable (both temporarily or permanently).
"Sto facendo fatica a trovare lavoro. Purtroppo con questa crisi non c'è trippa per gatti".
"I am struggling to find a job. Unfortunately, during this crisis, there is no tripe for cats."
Submitted January 2021 by cinziasimona
Name USED Frequently BY Most People
(monthly visit) • It's a nickname for menstruation or a period that refers to it as a monthly "visit".
"Siya ay nanghihina dahil sa kanyang buwanang dalaw."
"She feels weak because of her monthly visit."
Submitted January 2021 by anonymous
| Ulster Scots and Irish English
Ireland and Northern Ireland,
Slang USED Frequently BY Most People
(idiot) • It simply means 'idiot'.
"Stop that, you will burn yourself, eejit!"
Submitted January 2021 by anonymous
Slang USED Very frequently BY Most People
(tangerine) • A man who does whatever his girlfriend tells him to do because she has the power.
"David no vino a la fiesta porque su novia se enojaba si él venía." "Jaja, mandarina el man!"
"David didn't come to the party cause his girlfriend would've got angry at him if he had." "Haha, such a tangerine!"
Submitted January 2021 by psan2811
Slang USED Very frequently BY Most People
(you shrimp) • Way to address a person who is a very bad driver.
"Oye camarón, pon luces!"
"Hey you shrimp, turn your lights on!"
Submitted January 2021 by psan2811
Expression USED Frequently BY Most People
(cool life!) • It's the equivilent of the English "You Only Live Once You" or YOLO. It's used to convey that you have to enjoy every moment as if it was your last.
"Estás mezclando aguardiente, tequila y ron. Te vas a morir!" "Chulla Vida!"
"You're mixing aguardiente, tequila, and rum. You´re going to die!" "Cool life!"
Submitted January 2021 by psan2811
Word USED On Occasion BY Most People
(noun) • (dust kitty) • "Porcica" or "dust kitties" are small clumps of dirt usually found under beds or behind furniture that aren't cleaned regularly.
"Ha nem takarítasz gyakran, tele lesz porcicákkal a szobád."
"If you don't clean your room regularly it will be full of dust kitties."
Submitted January 2021 by janka
English speaking countries
Idiom USED Frequently BY Most people
Used to express the recognition of somebody's desire to avoid misfortune after saying something confidently.
"I've never had a cavity, touch wood"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People
(far to seek) • When something is not present.
“De motivatie is weer ver te zoeken vandaag.”
“The motivation to study is far to seek today.”
Word USED On Occasion BY Most People
(noun) • A far away place, often isolated.
“¡Diablos! ¡Eso queda en el jurutungo!” “Tú vives en el jurutungo.”
“Damn! That’s very far away!” “You live too far away.”
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People
(to sell cat in the sack) • Zsákbamacska ("cat in the sack") is a gambling game at fairs where you can buy one sack out of a bunch of identical sacks but you never know what it contains, it is always a surprise. If you sell zsákbamacska you are hiding your true intentions, you are being secretive and probably not completely honest.
"Ne félj, én nem árulok zsákbamacskát!"
"Don't be afraid, I don't sell cat in the sack!"
Submitted December 2020 by janka
Idiom USED Frequently BY Most People
'Brass neck' means someone shameless or brave.
"She's got a brass neck to ask for a day off when we're so busy." "You had the hard neck to pass the time of day with him."
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Idiom USED Frequently BY Most People
(don't pull my nose) • "neťahaj ma za nos" means "don't mess with me/don't lie to me"
"Chlapci nemajú radi keď ich dievčatá ťahajú za nos"
"Boys don't like when girls pull their noses"
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
East Anglia and Essex,
Word USED On Occasion BY Most People
(adjective) • Shanny means scatter-brained or foolish. It is equivalent to 'duzzy' and 'diddy', other Norfolk dialect words meaning silly or foolish.
"That new friend o' yarn, she be a shanny sort of flart."
"Your new friend is a scatter-brained fool."
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Word USED Very frequently BY Most People
(n.) • A ball sack, someone who's a pure idiot.
"Shut yer weesht ya wee bawbag!"
"Shut up you small ball sack"
Submitted November 2020 by o11yw3bb
dra någonting gammalt över dig
Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People
Why tell someone to simply go away when you can make them look stupid at the same time? "Drag something old over yourself" you can yell at someone, and rejoice in the thought of how utterly embarrassed they'll feel with an old blanket on their head.
"Gå bort! Dra någonting gamalt över dig!"
"Go away! Drag something old over yourself!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People
(Just blueberries) • Something that is easy to do or nothing to worry about.
"Det er bare blåbær."
"It’s just blueberries."
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Most People
(bread roll with butter ) • Used to describe something that can be or should be done effortlessly and with ease .
"Twoim zadaniem jest zrobienie plakatu". "Bułka z masłem".
"Your task is to make a poster". "Bread roll with butter".
United States
Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People
“Bread and butter” means someone’s livelihood or how they make a living. It’s always used together, in this order, and as a singular noun.
“Tourism is the bread and butter of many island countries.” “Did you grow up on a farm?” “Yeah, it was our bread and butter.”
Word USED Frequently BY Most People
(n.) • It describes uncivilized people who often wear tracksuits and a golden chain. They have an old car and often spend their days at bars. They are known to admire the USA, so they usually name their children Kévin, Dylan, Kimberley, Cindy, etc. They are also known to be stupid and sometimes vulgar. Those stereotypical people are known to live in low-income neighbourhoods.
"Il y a souvent des barakis à la buvette du club de foot de mon frère."
"There are often barakis at the refreshment bar at my brother's football club."
Submitted November 2020 by do