Swedish Sweden

ingen ko på isen

Expression USED In the past BY Some people

(no cow on the ice) • Meaning there’s nothing to worry about or everything is under control.

“Jag är så sen och måste till jobbet” "Ta det lugnt - ingen ko på isen"

"I'm so late and have to go to work" "Take it easy - no cow on the ice"

English Edinburgh, Scotland


Word USED On Occasion BY People from Edinburgh

1. Low quality, of poor standard. 2. Unfair, harsh.

"Your ma makes a shan breakfast." "The driver wouldn’t let me on the bus with my chips, how shan is that?"

Slovenian Slovenia

jebati ježa

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(to fuck a hedgehog) • To be doing something unpleasant.

"Vozit greš v 20 cm snega? To boš jebal ježa."

"You're going to drive in 20 cm of snow? You'll be fucking a hedgehog. "

West Frisian Netherlands

wat binne wy moai fuort, net?

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY some people

(we are beautifully away, aren't we?) • A phrase people like to say to each other when they are on an outing or trip, as a way to say express that you are having a good time.

*op it strân* "Wat binne wy moai fuort, net?"

*on the beach* "We are beautifully away, aren't we?"

English England

the dog's bollocks

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some people

A vulgar, somewhat blokish, expression for something or someone that is very good. The phrase dates back to at least the 1940s but is still in common (vulgar) use

"That new show is the dog's bollocks!"

Turkish Turkey

bu ne perhiz bu ne lahana turşusu

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some people

(what a diet, what a sauerkraut) • This idiom means to act in a way that contradicts one's own words. It is generally expressed to condemn people whose words and actions do not match.

"Adam dün neler diyordu, şimdi neler yapıyor, bu ne perhiz bu ne lahana turşusu?"

"That guy was saying one thing yesterday, now doing the opposite, what kind of a diet, what kind of a sauerkraut is this?"

Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED Frequently BY Young people

(it has Fridayed) • The expression transforms the noun "Friday" ("sexta-feira") into a verb (conjugated in the past, meaning "it has Fridayed"). It is used to mean "the weekend is here", or "let's start the weekend".

"Sextou? Vamos no bar tomar uma cerveja?"

"Has it Fridayed? Shall we go to the pub have a beer?"

German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Mostly people who have been politically interested in the 60s

(cheering-Persians) • A claqeur, a person who has been paid to applaud or cheer for someone. Mostly used as an insult to insinuate someone either does not have their own opinion or would not have real support by the audience. The term appeared in 1967 when the Shah of Iran visited Berlin and had intelligence agents cheer at the road and beat up protesters.

"Das Publikum war voller Jubelperser. "

"The audience was full of cheering-Persians. "

English United Kingdom

not as green as cabbage-looking

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

To not be as naive as someone appears. To be smarter or more intelligent than expected.

"They tried to hide the dent so I'd pay full price, but I'm not as green as I am cabbage-looking."


German Germany


Word USED On Occasion BY Teens, young people

(old one) • Used to address a (usually familiar or close) person as you would call someone "dude" or "bro" in English, regardless of their actual age.

"Alles klar, Alter?" "Alter, was laberst du?" "Was geht, Alter?"


Swedish Sweden


Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody, especially full people

(palt coma) • An expression to describe the utter sense of fatigue experienced after eating a large amount of food. In Norrland the variation "paltkoma" is used to describe the feeling after eating a large amount of "palt", a form of potato dumplings. South of Norrland the most common expression is instead "matkoma".

"Jag fick paltkoma av den goda pitepalten" "Jag fick matkoma av att äta alla dom där plättarna"

"I got a palt coma from the tasty pitepalt" "I got a food coma from eating all those pancakes"

Tagalog Philippines


Word USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some people

The layer of crunchy burnt rice left at the bottom of the pot after cooking.

“Hindi na nya kinain ang tutong sa kaldero dahil mapait ang lasa.”

“They did not eat the burnt rice in the pot because it tastes bitter.”

English Canada


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

A noun to be used in place of "thing"

"I forget what it's called, but pass me that chummy"

English | Pittsburghese Pittsburgh, United States


Word USED Frequently BY People who grew up in Pittsburgh

Much like, "y'all" or "youse guys," it is a pronoun used when referring to a group of people.

"Yinz watch 'at game last night?"

French France

péter plus haut que son cul

Expression USED On Occasion BY French people on the older side

(to fart higher than one’s ass) • It means reaching for something higher than you're capable of or should reach for acting like you are better than you are.

"Trump pete plus haut que son cul a tout moment!"

"Trump always farts higher than his ass!"

English United States


Slang USED On Occasion BY Young people


"He's got girls hanging all over him because he's got serious rizz."

French Québec, Canada

beurrer épais

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(to butter thickly) • To exaggerate, like putting a very liberal coat of butter on a piece of toast. Also, in a way, to brag.

"Je crois qu'il en a beurré épais quand il a raconté son aventure." "J'ai l'air d'en beurrer épais, mais c'est vraiment arrivé comme ça !"

"I think he buttered thickly in his retelling of his adventure." "I do not mean to butter thickly, but it really happened that way!"

Turkish Turkey


Hashtag USED On Occasion BY Some People

(#HagiaSophiaIsAMuseum) • A hashtag created to show disapproval of the Turkish government's decision to turn the Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

"Ayasofya milletlerin ve dinlerin ortak buluşma noktasıdır. #AyasofyaMüzedir , mirastır ve korunmalıdır."

"Hagia Sophia is a meeting point of nations and religions. #HagiaSophiaIsAMuseum , a legacy and should be protected. "

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Angry people who feel mistreated

(testicle-bumble bee) • You use it when you feel someone has mistreated you or is very clumsy and unhelpful.

"Al mijn papieren waren in orde, maar die kloothommel wilde me gewoon niet toelaten."

"All my paperwork was in order, but that kloothommel just didn't want to let me in."

Italian Italy

mica pizza e fichi

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(not just a pizza with figs) • Used to indicate that something is not cheap, trivial or simple, but actually special in some way. Pizza and figs were typically cheap lower-class foods, so something not being pizza with figs means that it is not lower-class.

"Ha un dottorato in astrofisica, mica pizza e fichi!"

"She has a PhD in astrophysics, not just a mere pizza with figs!"