Portmanteau USED Frequently BY people at the office
A contraction of "jeudi" (Thursday) and "vendredi" (Friday) and it's what we call it when you have Friday off work, so that your Thursday becomes your Friday i.e. your last work day for the week.
"Bon jeudredi tout le monde!" "Ah oui, tu as congé demain!"
"Happy Thriday everyone!" "Oh right, you're off tomorrow!"
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous
Portmanteau USED On Occasion BY Some People
Portmanteau of 'refugee' and 'Weegie' ('Weegie' being short for Glaswegian'). A term of affection for someone seeking refugee status in Glasgow, to make them feel a valued part of the community.
"Of course you're welcome here. You're a refuweegee now."
Portmanteau USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(n.) • A contraction of the words "хрущёвка" and "трущеба". It is an unofficial name of type of low-cost apartment building which was developed in the USSR during the early 1960s, during the time of Nikita Khrushchev.
"Мда... живем в какой-то хрущобе. Жду не дождусь переезда."
"Hmm... we live in some kind of khrushcheba. I can't wait to move."
Submitted October 2020 by xxbeelkj
English speaking countries
Portmanteau USED On Occasion BY Most People
(adj.) • To be angry or irritated because of hunger.
"Can you hurry up? I'm starting to get hangry."
| Hokkien and Malay
Portmanteau USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(v.) • It's a portmanteau between a Malay and Hokkien word used in Malaysia and the Hokkien verb ‘sia sui’. It means ‘to embarrass’.
"You don’t mempersiasuikan our family can or not?"
"Can you please don't embarrass our family?"
Submitted July 2020 by bee
English speaking countries
Portmanteau USED On Occasion BY Millenials
(n.) • A modest or self-deprecating statement that has the actual intention of drawing attention to something the speaker is proud of.
"He was complaining about having too many job offers to choose from." "What a humblebrag!"
Portmanteau USED Frequently BY Some People
(yesno) • A contraction of the words "ja" (yes) and "nein" (no). It means that you agree to what has being said, but that you disagree about one aspect that has been mentioned or that you restrict your affirmation.
"Kann ich mir dein Auto ausleihen?" "Jein, höchstens für die nächste halbe Stunde. Dann brauche ich es selber."
"Can I borrow your car?" "Yes, but only for the next half hour. Then I need it myself."
Portmanteau USED Frequently BY Everyone
(yesno) • Yes and no. And also neither of them.
"Quindi hai litigato con tuo fratello?" "Nì."
"So did you argue with your brother?" "Yesno."