
Portuguese Portugal

dar o peido-mestre

Slang USED On Occasion BY Teenagers

(to give the major-fart) • Informal term used for when someone is about to die, or is already dying.

"Ele já vai dar o peido-mestre." "He's about to do a major fart."


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY people who own records

(turned grey) • Playing a record so often that it becomes damaged and the music quality decreases.

"Had jij ook een LP van Rumours van Fleetwood Mac?" "Ja joh, die heb ik helemaal grijsgedraaid."

"Did you also have an LP of Rumours by Fleetwood Mac?" "Oh yeah, I turned that one completely grey."

Polish Poland

a idź pan w chuj

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

Semi-vulgar expression meant to express hopeless situation one does not want to take part in anymore. Usually expressed when someone was involved in something before (a discussion, a project, a problem, maintaining a device like an unreliable car) and came to conclusion that it is helpless or not worth continuation. It shall not be confused with more general and vulgar "idź w chuj" which is the equivalent of Russian "иди на хуй" which means "get the fuck out of here". This form uses more formal expression meant to address person with respect and the reception to Poles sounds like "sir, could you please get the fuck out of here?". It may be translated as more vulgar form of "to hell with it", eg. "to fuck with it". It should be understood as an equivalent of "take this out of my sight". The expression itself is not considered offensive or insulting although the usage of vulgar world "chuj" limits it to informal and casual usage only.

"A idź pan w chuj z tą polityką.", "Znowu nie działa, a idź pan w chuj." > Co z twoim samochodem? > A idź pan w chuj.

"To fuck with this politics", "Does not work again, to fuck with it" > How about your car? > To fuck with it.




Russian Russia


Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody

Something you eat when drinking alcohol (specifially vodka) to slow down the effect, ex. pickles

"How could you have not brought any закусь to the party?"




Hebrew Israel

פרצוף תשעה באב

Slang USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(Tisha Be-Av face) • As the English expression "long face", meaning, a facial expression denoting sadness, disappointment or gloom. From the fact that תשעה באב (Tisha Be-Av) is a mourning day that commemorates various tragedies in Jewish history, the most central of which are the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. Used primarily in a humorous context.

"תסתכל עליו. מאז שהקבוצה שלו הפסידה בגמר, הוא מסתובב עם פרצוף תשעה באב."

"Look at him. Ever since his team lost in the final, he’s been walking around with a Tisha Be-Av face."

Dutch Netherlands

kort door de bocht

Expression USED On Occasion BY most people

(short through the curve) • Reductive or oversimplified.

"Dat argument vind ik wel heel erg kort door de bocht."

"I think that argument is very short through the curve."


Arabic Palestine


Word USED On Occasion BY Kids and Parents

It's a baby or toddler word, usually used by babies or parents talking to their babies to indicate an injury or pain.

"ماما اجري واوا."

"Mama my leg wawa."

Dutch Netherlands

geen droog brood [eraan] verdienen

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(to not earn dry bread) • To not be able to make a living or earn any money at all from something.

"Ga je filosofie studeren? Daar kan je nog geen droog brood aan verdienen!"

"Are you going to study philosophy? You can't earn dry bread from that!"

English United States

september scaries

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

According to the New York Times, it is defined as a combination of dread, regret, and anticipation that accompanies the end of a communal pause and the beginning of a hectic and demanding time.

"I am really feeling the September Scaries this year."

German Germany

Sich zum Horst machen

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

Do something stupid in public.

"Da mich ich mich ja zum Horst, wenn ich mit der geblümten Badehose ins Schwimmbad gehe."

"I'll make myself into a horst if I go to the swimming pool with my flowery swimming trunks."



German Germany


Slang USED On Occasion BY People from Swabia

(Holy shit) • It’s another word for „Maultasche“, a German dumpling, mostly spreaded in South-Germany, especially in Baden-Württemberg.

Hans: „Was isst du?“ Franz: „Herrgottsbscheißerle mit Kartoffla.“

Hans: “What are you eating?” Franz: “Holy shit with potatoes.”


Arabic Palestine

غصبًا عن أبوكم

Idiom USED On Occasion BY everybody

(despite your father) • It means whether you like it or not.

"غصبًا عن أبوكم، فلسطين تصير حرة بالكامل."

"In spite of your father['s dislike], Palestine will be completely free."

German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

An innocent way to admonish someone who's being stupid

"Du bist so ein Haubentaucher!"

You're such a grebe!"

German Germany


Slang USED On Occasion BY Adults, often men

(noun) • (way beer) • The last beer before leaving the pub. One for the road.

"Machst Du mir noch'n Wegbier?"

"Can you get me another way beer?"

English Worldwide


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

Like a soundtrack, but for smells.

“I remember how people smell, because my memory has a smelltrack.”

English United States


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

An underlying [bad] taste. Possibly a premonition about something bad happening.

"The mousse was excellent, but it had a chalky undertaste that reminded Rosemary of blackboards and grade school"


Arabic Palestine


Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(a witness) • A martyr or someone who was killed for a certain valuable cause. They are witnesses in the since that they are witnesses of injustice in the eyes of god.

"أخويا شهيد، استشهد بغزة وهو بحاول يهرب من القصف."

"My brother is a witness, he was made a witness while trying to escape the shelling."

Dutch Netherlands

geen kattepis

Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(no cat piss) • When something is no joke.

"De training is absoluut geen kattepis!"

"The training is absolutely no cat piss!"

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(flying hours ) • Hours of experience.

“Ik hou van schilderen maar ik heb nog niet genoeg vlieguren om het goed te doen.”

“I love painting, but I don’t have enough flying hours to do it well”

Hindi India

ek teer se do nishaane

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

It is a popular Hindi phrase used in situations where someone gets two things done simultaneously using the effort of just one. It generally has a positive connotation. equivalent to the English idiom 'killing two birds with one stone'. "ek teer" means an arrow, while "do nishaane" means two targets.

"Maine test syllabus ka audio banaya tha aur aaj jogging karte hue soon liya." "Oho! Ek teer se do nishaane!"

"I created an audio of our test syllabus and today, while jogging, I listened to it." "Whoa! One arrow for two targets!"