English United States

monster soup

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY people who are afraid of the ocean

The ocean.

“I am never getting in the ocean again, that shit is monster soup.”

English United States

that dollar won’t get you cup of coffee at Starbucks

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY some people

That argument won’t get you very far. That argument alone isn’t enough.

“Sure, he is a great singer, but that dollar won’t get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.”

German Austria


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people, elderly people

(amniotic sac) • Synonym for hot water bottle, with the connotations of comfort, being sick and getting better

"Oma macht dir dein Fruchtblasl, damit du gesund wirst."

"Grandma will get you your hot water bottle to help you get better soon."


Italian | Romagnolo Emilia-Romagna, Italy


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Everybody, especially cinema enthusiasts

(I remember) • Profound memory, nostalgic reenactment or remembrance of the past. Originally a dialectal expression (“a m'arcord”), entered in the common Italian language thanks to the film “Amarcord” by Federico Fellini.

"Ritrovare la bambola della mia infanzia mi ha fatta rivivere un lungo Amarcord."

English United States


Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY teenagers

"Swagé" is a slang term often used by American youths to describe a state of mind or an aura that combines calmness, collectedness, with an extremely cool and hip demeanor. It can refer to a person, thing, or event that exudes an effortless style and confidence, conveying a sense of uniqueness and appeal that sets them apart in a positive and trendy manner. This term encapsulates the essence of being untroubled and self-assured while also being at the forefront of contemporary trends and social appeal. The term "swagé" does not have a direct literal translation because it is a slang term combining the concepts of "swag" which implies style or coolness, and an embellished ending that could imply a sense of elegance or sophistication. However, if we were to create a "literal" translation based on the intended meaning provided earlier, it would be something like "elegant coolness" or "sophisticated swagger." This attempts to convey the original sense of a calm, collected, and extremely cool or hip state.

"Did you see Maya at the party last night? She walked in with such swagé, owning the room without even trying. Everyone was drawn to her vibe." "The concert last night was the definition of swagé. From the chill vibe to the cutting-edge music, everything was perfectly curated to give off an effortlessly cool atmosphere."

English United Kingdom

at it like knives

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

1. To be exuberantly having sex. 2. To argue loudly (rarer) A slightly old-fashioned phrase.

"I could hear my neighbours at it like knives all night!"

English United Kingdom

not as green as cabbage-looking

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

To not be as naive as someone appears. To be smarter or more intelligent than expected.

"They tried to hide the dent so I'd pay full price, but I'm not as green as I am cabbage-looking."

English Canada


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

A noun to be used in place of "thing"

"I forget what it's called, but pass me that chummy"


English New Mexico, USA


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Skaters, locals

It is usually used when you get caught doing something and/or hear about gossip. Skaters use it when someone gets caught by the cops. Locals use it as a reaction to gossip.

*after hearing about a skater friend getting caught by the cops* "Umbers, you got caught by the cops." *after hearing some gossip* "Umbers!"

English East Coast, United States

on the biatny

Standard Phrase USED On Rare Occasion BY Americans

Describes something in relation to another object that is diagonally across from something

"Their house is on the biatny from The Smith’s place."


French France

Les anglais ont débarqué

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Older generation

(the English have landed) • To menstruate

Je ne me sens pas bien, les anglais ont débarqué

I am not feeling well, the English have landed


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY some people

(verb) • To fool around laughingly, often in a childish or unhanded way.

Het is erg vervelend als andermans kinderen de hele dag lopen te ginnegappen.

It's very annoying when other peoples kids are fooling around for the whole day.

English United States

razz someone's berries

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

To impress someone. Refers to the word 'raspberry'.

"I'm gonna bake her a cake, I am sure that'll razz her berries"

Confirmed by 2 people

Hungarian Hungary

veszett fejsze nyele

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(shaft of a lost axe) • A lost cause, a hopeless situation, something being futile even from the start.

"Mi a helyzet a vakációddal?" "Áhh, ezekkel a mostani korlátozásokkal veszett fejsze nyele."

"What about your vacation?" "Ahh, with the restrictions being in effect nowadays, it's a shaft of a lost axe"

English The South, United States

nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

Used to describe someone who is nervous. The imagery is that a cat with a long tail would be in constant danger of having its tail crushed under the moving chairs in a room full of rocking chairs

“Did you get to see her before she gets on stage?” “Yes, she’s nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, but I think she’ll be great.”

Confirmed by 2 people

Italian Italy

Il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio

Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(The wolf looses its fur but not its vice) • This proverb describes that it’s very difficult to get rid of a bad habit.

“Perché vi siete lasciati?” “Mi ha di nuovo tradito!” “Te l’ho detto, il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio!”

“Why did you break up?” “She cheated on me again!” “I told you already, the wolf looses its fur but not its vice!”

Confirmed by 4 people

Czech Czechia


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Students

(adjective) • It is the adjective referring to something that is the least taken care of, mostly in the sense of farmland. "Hospodářství" means several things, amongst which is a "farm".

"To pole je nejneobhospodařovanější ze všech."

"This farm field is the least taken care of."


Polish Poland

z gówna bicza nie ukręcisz

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(you can't turn shit into a whip) • You can't make something out of nothing -or- you can't make miracles happen.

"Skończyłeś siekać cebulę?" "Nie ma opcji, wszystkie noże są tępe." "Trudno, z gówna bicza nie ukręcisz. Będzie bez cebuli."

"Have you finished dicing the onions?" "Not going to happen, all the knives are blunt." "Too bad, you can't turn shit into a whip. No onions then."

Confirmed by 2 people


Italian Italy

le basi

Standard Phrase USED On Rare Occasion BY younger generation mostly

(n.) • (the basics) • It's a way to pick on your friends for not knowing something that should be common (or basic) knowledge. It conveys a slight (jokingly) disappointment. You would expect that person to know something, and when you talk about it they have no clue what you’re talking about.

"Dai, non ci credo che non lo sapevi! Le basi!"

"C'mon, I can't believe you didn't know! The basics!"

Spanish | Huelva Andalucia, Spain


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(noun) • A derogatory term for someone who is not considered important. Also, someone who can't be trusted because they change their mind very frequently.

"Este es un chipichanga, no sirve para nada!" "Este es un chipichanga, no puedes fiarte de el."

"He's such a chipichanga, he's just so useless!" "He's such a chipichanga, you can't trust him."