German speaking countries
Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(Life is not a pony farm) • This phrase is used when trying to express that life is not easy.
"Du musst dir dein Geld selbst erarbeiten, das Leben ist schließlich kein Ponyhof."
"You have to work for your own money, life is not a pony farm after all."
| Swabian
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Swabians
(Life is not a lollipop) • Used as a response when someone complains about a small problem or task. Meaning life is not always easy.
"Ich hab noch soviel zu tun..." "s Läba osch koi Schlotzer"
"I have sooo much to do..." "Life is not a lollipop"
se a vida fosse fácil, se chamaria miojo
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(If life were easy, it would be called instant noodles) • This expression is used to reinforce that life is hard.
"Está sendo bem difícil sobreviver a 2020. Pois é, se a vida fosse fácil se chamaria miojo!"
"It is being very difficult to survive 2020. Well, if life was easy it would be called instant noodles!"
| Flemish
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People
(life is not a pony camp) • Life is not always easy.
"Ik ben gebuisd voor mijn examen. Helaas, maar het leven is geen ponykamp."
"I failed my exam. It sucks, but life's not a pony camp."
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(life is not a cream cake) • Used to emphasise that life isn't easy.
"Megint korán kellett kelnem!" "Hát igen, az élet nem habostorta."
"I had to wake up early again." "Well, yeah, life is not a cream cake."
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(life is no feather) • Used to say that life is not easy.
"Mám toho spoustu v práci a do toho teď musím ještě pomáhat našim." "No jo, život není peříčko."
"I have tons of things to do at work and on top of that, I now have to help out my parents." "Yeah well, life is no feather."
Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations
(life is a soup) • Life is not easy.
"Het leven is een soep, al die miserie toch."
"Life is a soup, all these troubles."
Reference USED On Rare Occasion BY Guetho
(It's not enchiladas ) • Life is not easy.
"No son enchiladas. Tendrás que aplicarte más."
"Those aren't enchiladas. You're gonna have to make an effort."
Submitted August 2020 by rudinapoli83
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(it isn't blowing and making bottles) • It means that something isn't easy.
"Acabamos de poner un local pero no nos está yendo tan bien." "Bueno, no es soplar y hacer botellas. ¿Qué pretendías?"
"We just opened a store but we're not doing so well." "Well, it isn't blowing and making bottles, what did you expect?"