


Hebrew Israel

פרצוף תשעה באב

Slang USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(Tisha Be-Av face) • As the English expression "long face", meaning, a facial expression denoting sadness, disappointment or gloom. From the fact that תשעה באב (Tisha Be-Av) is a mourning day that commemorates various tragedies in Jewish history, the most central of which are the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. Used primarily in a humorous context.

"תסתכל עליו. מאז שהקבוצה שלו הפסידה בגמר, הוא מסתובב עם פרצוף תשעה באב."

"Look at him. Ever since his team lost in the final, he’s been walking around with a Tisha Be-Av face."


Hebrew Israel

הכל טוסט

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(everything is toast) • A play on the words "hakol tov" meaning "everything is good".

"מה שלומך?" "הכל טוסט"

"How are you?" "Everything is toast."


Hebrew Israel


Slang USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • (thieving) • Cool, excellent and special

" לכתוב ערך לגבי המילה מגניב זה לא מאוד מגניב"

"Writing an entery about the word cool is not very cool"


Hebrew Israel


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everybody

A hurrying word, like "let's go" or "come on", but sometimes used as a general exclamation of annoyance. Rooted in the Arabic exclamation "Ya Allah".

"יאללה נו, צריך לזוז!" "נו יאללה, שחרר אותי"

"Yallah, [we] gotta go!" "Yallah, let me go."

Hebrew Israel

פרה פרה

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(cow cow) • The idiom comes from an old joke, and means "Slowly", or "One thing at a time."

"אם נשתמש בתכניקה הזאת, נוכל לעשות את כל המטלות בבת אחת!" "פרה פרה, אין שום צורך למהר. אפשר לעבור על כל מטלה לעצמה."

"If we use this technique, we could do all the tasks at once!" "Cow cow, there is no need to rush. We could go over each task on its own."


Hebrew Israel


Slang USED Frequently BY Young People, starting to become outdated

(easyyyy) • Coined by an Israeli pop star, it's a slang used to mean either "cool", "sweat" or "no problem". The nuance is controlled by the length of the L sound.

"טוב מסיימים פה, מנקים, והולכים להרים קצת ערק" "וואו, קללל"

"okay boys, we'll finish here, clean up and hit the pub" "ooo yeah we are!"




Hebrew Israel


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (an upside-down ) • When ordering a cappuccino or a latte, Israelis usually call it an "upside-down" (hafuch) or "upside-down coffee" (kafe hafuch).

"אפשר הפוך אחד לקחת?"

"Can I get one upside-down to go?"


Hebrew Israel


Slang USED In the past BY Almost Everyone

(Yoram) • A nerd, a dork.

"דוד יושב וקורא סטטיסטיקות של יוטיוב. הוא כזה יורם!"

"David sits and reads YouTube statistics. He's such a Yoram!"



Hebrew Israel


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (be new) • It's a blessing. Used when someone have something new (new haircut, nails, clothes, car, shoes, objects etc. Etc.) It means enjoy your new things. Probably come from the prayer the religious jews say when they wear new clothes. The cashiers in stores also say this when giving you what you just bought.

"זה מה שקנית אתמול? תתחדשי!"

"That's what you bought yesterday? Be new!"




Hebrew Israel


Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • ((he's) stealing) • Can be used in any context exactly as the word "cool".

"הסרט הזה ממש מגניב!"

"This movie is really cool!"


Hebrew Israel


Expression USED On Occasion BY older women, especially Mizrahi women

(atonement) • A term of endearment by a woman towards a woman. The idea is that the receiver wards off the evil eye.

"?כפרה, את יכולה לתת לי את הסוכר"

"Dear, can you give me the sugar?"

Confirmed by 4 people



Hebrew Israel


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(Oh God! [Arabic]) • Used to tell someone to hurry up, to come do something, or to strengthen an existing hortative. Also used as a colloquial way to say goodbye.

"!יאללה בואו נלך לחנות"

"Come on, let's go to the store!"

Confirmed by 4 people



Hebrew Israel


Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (my sister) • Used when calling a friend, and sometimes even a stranger.

".אחותי, בואי רגע"

"My sister, come for a moment."