| French Canadian
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(n.) • It is used to refer to a remote location, most often than not, a far away village, "in the middle of nowhere", because in Québec, a lot of small villages are named "Saint-(something)".
"Mon cousin habite à Saint-Clin-Clin-des-Meuh-Meuh."
"My cousin lives In-the-middle-of-nowhere."
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People
(to butter thickly) • To exaggerate, like putting a very liberal coat of butter on a piece of toast. Also, in a way, to brag.
"Je crois qu'il en a beurré épais quand il a raconté son aventure." "J'ai l'air d'en beurrer épais, mais c'est vraiment arrivé comme ça !"
"I think he buttered thickly in his retelling of his adventure." "I do not mean to butter thickly, but it really happened that way!"
Submitted December 2020 by antares55
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody
Used to describe something that is very cold. Mostly used to talk about the weather, but can also be used to talk about anything that is very cold. It is a variation of the word "froid", which means cold. But, since Québec and Canada are very up north, "froid" was not cold enough, hence came another level of cold: "frette". This expression can be transformed in other expressions, like "tite frette", which translates to "a cold one", meaning a beer.
"Wow, il fait tellement froid ici." "Il fait pas froid, il fait frette." "Wow, c'est vraiment de l'eau frette."
"Wow, it is so cold here." "It is not cold, it is frette." "Wow, this is really frette water."
Submitted December 2020 by bellocamino
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody, mostly in informal contexts
This is a curse word, or a prefix to amplify something. Like "fucking <thing>". Used alone, it's a bit the equivalent of saying "fuck!" in Québec.
*stumps toe* "Tabarnak!"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
| Québécois
Expression USED Very frequently BY Usually younger people
(to fall in one's week) • Used as a euphemism to mean “starting your period”.
“As-tu un tampon? Je viens de tomber dans ma semaine.”
“Do you have a tampon? I just fell in my week.”
Submitted January 2021 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY Older Generations, Countryside people
(n.) • (whistler) • Used to refer to a groundhog, mostly because of the sounds they make when angry (that sounds like a sharp whistle).
"J'ai fini par attraper le siffleux qui détruisait mon jardin !"
"I finally caught the whistler that was destroying my garden!"
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Word USED Frequently BY everyone
(n.) • In Québec French, "piastre" means dollar. Pronounced as "piasse", and often missheard as "pièce" by European French speakers.
"Combien t'a coûté ta nouvelle chemise ?" "20 piastres!"
"How much did you pay for your shirt?" "20 bucks!"
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(pull yourself a log) • Used to tell someone to take a seat. Usually informal and used with people you are somewhat familiar with.
"Reste pas debout, tire-toi une bûche!"
"Don't just stand there, pull yourself a log!"
Submitted August 2020 by delhayelite
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(to have your holiday trip) • to be fed up with something, annoyed or disgusted. can also be used to mark astonishment ("I can't believe it!")
"Ma soeur vole toujours mes vêtements, j'en ai mon voyage!!"
"My sister always steals my clothes, I've had enough of it!"
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(banging nails) • Used to describe the behavior of someone trying to stay awake despite being very obviously tired.
"J'ai pas dormi de la nuit, alors j'ai passé la journée à cogner des clous."
"I didn't sleep at all last night, so I spent the day struggling to stay awake"
Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Teens
Abbreviation for "énervé", which translates to being "annoyed" or "angry". Used in text messages by teenagers and young adults.
"Ouf, ma mère me fatigue aujourd'hui, je suis NRV!"
"Ugh my mom's getting on my nerves today, I'm so annoyed!"
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(to have the (female) dog) • Synonymous with being afraid, it designates a state of anxiety or fear.
"Je dois faire un discours devant l'école demain. J'ai la chienne."
"I need to do a speech in front of the school tomorrow. I'm terrified."
Submitted July 2020 by sablemieux
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(don't let go of the potato) • An invitation to persevere, to not give up.
"Je serai incapable de réussir mon examen de math." "Lâche pas la patate! Tu peux y arriver!"
"There's no way I'll pass my math exam." "Don't let go of the potato! You can do it!"
Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(to make a train) • To make a lot of noise, to make a racket. Usually used to call out people who are annoying you by making too much noise in your surroundings.
"Arrête donc de faire du train!"
"Stop making so much noise!"