| Romanesco
Interjection USED Frequently BY People from Rome
(my balls) • An interjection that expresses stupor and surprise, and sometimes disbelief. Similar to “Wow” or “No way”. Used commonly in Rome, but also in other cities in the Lazio region, such as Anzio, Latina or Nettuno.
"Hai sentito? “Pellegrini ha appena vinto il Pallone d’Oro.” “Mecojoni!”
“Did you hear? Pellegrini just won the Ballon d'Or.” “My balls!”
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • (beautiful) • It’s a way to say “hello” to your friends in Rome. It can be followed by their name or by “zì” (lit. “uncle”), which means “bro”.
"Bella, zì!" "Bella, Simo!"
"Hello, bro!" "Hello, Simon!"
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(to take a Peppe's route) • You use it when someone takes a very long route when they could have taken a very shorter one.
"Ci hai fatto fa' er giro de Peppe quando saremmo potuti essere arrivati molto prima."
"You made us take a Peppe's route while we could have arrived way earlier."
Slang USED Frequently BY Teens
(adv.) • (At funny) • You use "a buffo" when you do something randomly, not giving it much thought.
"Mi ha chiamato a buffo."
"He called me at funny."