se prendre un vent*

* to take oneself a wind

French French speaking countries

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

Used when someone is being ignored when saying something. "Vent" (= wind) stands for the sound it makes, so the only answer that the person gets. Sometimes, you can replace "vent" by "tornade", "tsunami", "ouragan", etc. which are stronger kinds of wind, so a stronger silence after one's words.

Personne 1 -"Ça vous dit de venir manger chez moi ce soir?" Personne 2 - Pas de réaction. Personne 3 (à personne 1) - "Tu viens de te prendre un de ces vents!"

Person 1 - "Would you like to come and eat at my place tonight?" Person 2 - No reaction. Person 3 (to person 1) - "You've just taken yourself one of those winds!"

Confirmed by 4 people