il y a une couille dans le potage*
* there is a testicle in the soup
On Occasion
Some People
When something is unexplained or not normal. (We’ll never know if the problem is the only one testicle or the fact that’s in the soup).
"Ma voiture ne démarre pas - il y a une couille dans le potage."
"My car won't start - there's a testicle in the soup."
Submitted August 2020
by leonpetit
Confirmed by 3 people
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<h2>il y a une couille dans le potage</h2>
<h3>Literal translation: il y a une couille dans le potage</h3>
<p>When something is unexplained or not normal. (We’ll never know if the problem is the only one testicle or the fact that’s in the soup).</p>