English Australia


Acronym USED Very frequently BY Everyone

AFL is an acronym for Australian Football League, Australia's main competition in the sport of 'Australian football'. It can also be used to refer to the sport itself.

"What AFL team do you support?"

Confirmed by 2 people


English Canada


Word USED On Occasion BY Ice hockey players

(noun) • Long hair that sticks out of a hockey player's helmet

"Jagr has the best flow in hockey history."

Confirmed by 2 people

Italian Italy

darsi all'ippica

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to take up horse racing) • To change one's profession due to incapacity or unskillfulness in a previous job. This idiom is mostly used in the form of rather direct and dismissive advice/suggestion. Comparable to English "go climb a tree" or "go take up knitting."

"Luigi non è assolutamente in grado di svolgere il suo lavoro. Farebbe meglio a darsi all'ippica."

"Luigi is absolutely unable to do his job. He'd be better off taking up horce racing."

Confirmed by 2 people


Russian Russia


Expression USED Frequently BY Young People

(healthy) • This term can have 2 meanings. When it is stressed on the first syllable (ZDOrovo), it means great/awesome/cool. When it is stressed on the second syllable (zdoROvo), it is an informal greeting like 'hi'.

"Саша, здорово!"

"Hi, Alex!"

English North America


Word USED Frequently BY Ice hockey players

(verb) • Chirping is mocking another player with comedic or insulting remarks. 'Chirp' can also be used as a noun to describe such a remark.

"These are some of the craziest chirps I've ever been called in a hockey game. Someone once told me that I looked like Donkey from Shrek."

Confirmed by 2 people

Scots Glasgow, Scotland


Portmanteau USED On Occasion BY Some People

Portmanteau of 'refugee' and 'Weegie' ('Weegie' being short for Glaswegian'). A term of affection for someone seeking refugee status in Glasgow, to make them feel a valued part of the community.

"Of course you're welcome here. You're a refuweegee now."

Confirmed by 2 people

Scots Scotland

We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns

Proverb USED On Occasion BY Some

(We are all Jock Tamson's children.) • An expression of mutual fellowship. Similar to "we are all God's children."

"I don't care what country you're from - you're welcome here. We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns."

English Scotland

shy weans don't get sweets

Proverb USED On Occasion BY Some People

(Shy kids don't get sweets) • Used to encourage someone to pluck up the courage to ask for something.

"If you don't think he's paying you enough, you need to ask for a wage increase. Shy weans don't get sweets."

"If you don't think he's paying you enough, you need to ask for a wage increase. Shy Kids don't get sweets."

English Australia


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Most People

A short form of McDonald's.

"Do you want to go to Maccas?"

Confirmed by 3 people

Hungarian Hungary

a lófasznak is van ám vége!

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(even the horse's penis has an end) • Enough is enough! or Enough with the bullshit!

"A főnök már harmadszorra akart bent tartani túlórázni. Nem maradtam. Azért a lófasznak is van ám vége!"

"My boss wanted to make me stay for overtime for the third time. I didn't stay. Even the horse's penis has an end!"

Hungarian Hungary

veszett fejsze nyele

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(shaft of a lost axe) • A lost cause, a hopeless situation, something being futile even from the start.

"Mi a helyzet a vakációddal?" "Áhh, ezekkel a mostani korlátozásokkal veszett fejsze nyele."

"What about your vacation?" "Ahh, with the restrictions being in effect nowadays, it's a shaft of a lost axe"

English English speaking countries


Slang USED Very frequently BY Teens

An adjective describing something mediocre or bad-quality.

"Mint choc chip icecream is mid."

"Mint choc chip icecream isn't that good."

Confirmed by 2 people

Portuguese Brazil, Brazil


Interjection USED Frequently BY Young people

(Still!) • Used when someone asks a question that the answer is obviously yes. Contraction of "Are you still asking?"

"Você gosta dela?" "AINDA!"

"Do you like her? "STILL!"

Portuguese Brazil

a Perseguida

Slang USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • (the Chased) • A slang word for vagina.

"Os homens gostam da perseguida"

"Men like the chased"



English Australia

G up!

Interjection USED Frequently BY Teens

(interj.) • This expression is used as an encouragement for someone to work hard, try again, get pumped up etc. It is especially used in a sports context.

"I'm tired, I need a break." "Come on, G up!"

French France


Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People

This means woman or can often mean girlfriend.

"J'ai vue une belle meuf hier!"

"I saw a pretty woman yesterday!"


Italian Italy

perdersi in un bicchiere d’acqua

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to get lost in a glass of water) • It means to worry or make a big deal of something that is actually a small problem or not a problem at all.

"All'esame orale, mi sono perso in un bicchier d'acqua."

"At the oral exam, I got lost in a glass of water."


English United States

It's like walking out of a phone booth after sand papering a wild cat's ass

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People

To describe something that you do or do not want to do. This expression is used to describe a difficult situation. You can imagine being in a phone booth which is an enclosed, small space. Trying to sand-paper a wild cat's ass would be difficult in this small space. They may scratch and attack you. This is not a situation you want to find yourself in.

"Hey, bob! How was the weekend with your ex-wife?" "It was like walking out of a phone booth after sand-papering a bobcat's ass" or "I would rather sand-paper a bobcat's ass in a phone booth than spend time with her again".

English English speaking countries


Word USED Frequently BY Young People

(noun) • A task that takes a lot of effort to complete (or much more effort than what the speaker is willing to give). It is mostly used to explain why someone doesn't want to do something.

"Do you want to go to the chicken restaurant with me?" "No, that's such a trek..."


English Australia , United Kingdom

faffing around

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

Wasting time doing something that isn't useful or productive. Also known as doing things disorganizedly and not achieving very much.

"Stop faffing around! We need to be at the pool in 5 minutes!"

Confirmed by 2 people