
Spanish Argentina


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • (thin) • We use "flaco" instead of saying "you" when addressing someone.

"Che flaco, fijate antes de cruzar."

"Hey thin, watch before crossing."

Confirmed by 11 people

German Germany

Sich zum Horst machen

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

Do something stupid in public.

"Da mich ich mich ja zum Horst, wenn ich mit der geblümten Badehose ins Schwimmbad gehe."

"I'll make myself into a horst if I go to the swimming pool with my flowery swimming trunks."

German Germany


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

Means something is average, not very special.

"This password is 0815"

Croatian Croatia, Serbia

Da je baba bila muško, zvala bi se Duško

Proverb USED Frequently BY Everyone

(If grandma had been a man, her name would have been Duško) • It's used to prevent regret and overanalyzing past events over which we no longer have influence, as they have already occurred. Duško is a male name in Croatia.

"Da sam marljivije učio, do sada sam mogao diplomirati s odličnim uspjehom i potencijalno si osigurati bolje plaćen posao." "Eh, da je baba bila muško, zvala bi se Duško."

"If I had studied harder, I could have graduated with honors by now and potentially secured a better paying job." "Eh, if grandma was male, her name would be Duško."


German German speaking countries


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • (selfunderstandable) • This adjective refers to something so obvious that anybody can understand or accept it; you don't need to ask. The noun is Selbstverständlichkeit.

"Kannst du mir helfen?" "Ja, selbstverständlich!" "Ein Baby kann man nicht allein zu Hause lassen. Das ist doch selbstverständlich."

"Can you help me?" "Yes, selfunderstandable" "You can't leave a baby alone at home. That's just selfunderstandable."

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY everyone

(boundary surpassing) • Used to describe things that are unacceptable. Can often used in combination with "gedrag" (behaviour) to describe someone who displays violent or otherwise unacceptable behaviour.

"Grensoverschrijdend gedrag komt nog steeds vaak voor op de werkvloer."

"Boundary surprassing behavior still often occurs in the workplace."

Scottish Scotland


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

Fed up with something. Used to describe a feeling of discontentment with something. Not used to describe a generally feeling of being low.

“I’m absolutely scunnered with this place!”


Turkish Turkey


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone in Turkey

It is an expression you use when you get angry, call someone, pamper children, swear, feel shocked or flabbergasted or confused.

"Lan sen ne kadar büyümüşşün!" "Seni 8 yıldır Murat'la aldatıyorum." "Lan!?" "Hassiktir lan!"

"Lan how much you've grown!" "I've been cheating on you with Murat for 8 years." "Lan!?" "Fuck you lan!"

Turkish Turkey


Expression USED Frequently BY everyone

Confident expression means something along the lines of we'll take care of it. We'll handle it. We'll figure something out. Don't worry. No hurries. Also may contain uncertainty.

"Tamir işi ne olacak?" "Hallederiz."

"What about the repair work?" "We'll handle it."



Romanian Romania and Moldova


Slang USED In the past BY Everyone

(interjection) • Equivalent to the English "hello".

"Sall! Ce mai faci? Demult nu ne-am văzut."

"Hello! How are you? Long time no see."

Confirmed by 2 people


Spanish Paraguay


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(interjection) • An informal way to greet friends, it means “hello” but so much more informal and cute than regular "hola".

“Holis, ¿qué tal?“

Confirmed by 5 people

Turkish Turkey

anasını ağlatmak

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(make his mother cry) • To harass a person by tormenting him a lot. Can also mean to devastate a thing.

"Adamları ağır iş altında çalıştırarak resmen anasını ağlattılar."

"They literally made his mother cry by making the men work hard."


Hebrew Israel


Slang USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • (thieving) • Cool, excellent and special

" לכתוב ערך לגבי המילה מגניב זה לא מאוד מגניב"

"Writing an entery about the word cool is not very cool"

Catalan Spain

Déu n'hi do

Interjection USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(God gives it) • A Jack-of-all-trades to express admiration, surprise or importance, usually in situations where one wants to stress something happened above average, or one perceived it as such.

"Déu n'hi do com va ploure ahir" "Tens gana? Déu n'hi do!" "Déu n'hi do la cua que hi ha per comprar el nou Iphone"

"God gives it it rained yesterday" "Are you hungry? God gives it!" "God gives it there is a queue to buy the new iPhone"

Spanish Mexico


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adjective) • (raw) • It´s the Mexican version of "hangover" in English.

"Estoy bien pedo. Mañana estaré muy crudo."

"I am so drunk. I am going to be raw tomorrow."

Confirmed by 6 people

English Australia


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It is a time of day. Short for afternoon

"This arvo I will pick up the kids from school "

Afrikaans South Africa


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(strongs) • Sterkte is used to tell someone to stay strong or to bless someone with strength. To tell someone you will be thinking of them while they attempt a hard task or difficult times and that they must persevere.

"Sterkte my jou wiskunde examen. Sterkte vir jou dag."

"Strongs with your math exam. Strongs for your day."


English Australia

woop woop

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

A remote location.

“It’s great that my daughter is so interested in soccer but the games are so spread out I’m a bit sick of driving to woop woop every Saturday morning”

A distant location that was once a town but no longer exists

French Canada

sirop de poteau

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(telephone pole syrup) • It's a derogatory way of describing commercial syrups which are not true maple syrup.

"Ce restaurant est bien cheap. On sert du sirop de poteau avec leurs crêpes."

"This restaurant is very cheap. They serve telephone pole syrup with their crepes."

French France


Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to leek) • Waiting motionless for a long time, like a leek planted in the ground.

"Il y avait tellement de monde au magasin, le vendeur m'a fait poireauter pendant une heure."

"There were so many people at the store, the salesman made me leek for one hour."