Word USED On Occasion BY people who own records
(turned grey) • Playing a record so often that it becomes damaged and the music quality decreases.
"Had jij ook een LP van Rumours van Fleetwood Mac?" "Ja joh, die heb ik helemaal grijsgedraaid."
"Did you also have an LP of Rumours by Fleetwood Mac?" "Oh yeah, I turned that one completely grey."
Submitted September 2024 by amarens
Low Saxon
| Gronings
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
Stuff, bunch, everything, the whole thing, rubbish
"En den moakt ze de boudel zo goud en zo kwoad as dat gaait vaast."
"And then she fastens everything as good and as bad as that goes."
Submitted October 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY most people
(short through the curve) • Reductive or oversimplified.
"Dat argument vind ik wel heel erg kort door de bocht."
"I think that argument is very short through the curve."
Submitted August 2024 by amarens
geen droog brood [eraan] verdienen
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(to not earn dry bread) • To not be able to make a living or earn any money at all from something.
"Ga je filosofie studeren? Daar kan je nog geen droog brood aan verdienen!"
"Are you going to study philosophy? You can't earn dry bread from that!"
Submitted August 2024 by amarens
Word USED On Occasion BY some people
(no cat piss) • When something is no joke.
"De training is absoluut geen kattepis!"
"The training is absolutely no cat piss!"
Submitted July 2024 by amarens
Word USED On Occasion BY some people
(flying hours ) • Hours of experience.
“Ik hou van schilderen maar ik heb nog niet genoeg vlieguren om het goed te doen.”
“I love painting, but I don’t have enough flying hours to do it well”
Submitted June 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people
(tuberculosis) • It's over, everything bad.
"De hele stad gaat naar de tering."
"The whole city is going to the tuberculosis."
Submitted April 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(not fluffy) • Used when someone has a feeling that something is up, not quite right, or feeling a little scared and unsafe.
"Ik hou er niet van om naar het wijkcentrum te gaan. Het is daar niet helemaal pluis."
“I don't like going to the community center. Something is not quite fluffy there.”
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Name USED Very frequently BY most people
(mama apple juice) • A name used for mishearing a Dutch word in a foreign language song. The name refers to the vocalizations "ma-ma-coo-sah" at the beginning of the song Wanna be startin' somethin' by Michael Jackson (1983), which to Dutch ears sounded like "mama appelsap", which has since turned into the name of the phenomena of hearing Dutch lyrics in foreign songs.
"Ik kan echt niet luisteren naar dat nummer zonder een mama appelsap te horen."
“I honestly can't listen to that song without hearing a mama apple juice.”
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY some people
(pepper expensive) • Very expensive.
"Die jas is echt peperduur!"
"That jacket is really pepper expensive!"
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Very frequently BY everyone
(boundary surpassing) • Used to describe things that are unacceptable. Can often used in combination with "gedrag" (behaviour) to describe someone who displays violent or otherwise unacceptable behaviour.
"Grensoverschrijdend gedrag komt nog steeds vaak voor op de werkvloer."
"Boundary surprassing behavior still often occurs in the workplace."
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY some people
(not the intention) • A way to say you disapprove of what is happening, or think that what is happening is ludicrous.
"Ik heb het geld voor eten gebruikt om sigaretten te kopen." "Ja maar dat is niet de bedoeling!"
“I used the food money to buy cigarettes.” "Yes, but that's not the intention!"
Submitted March 2024 by amarens
Interjection USED On Occasion BY older generations
An expression of modesty, embarrassment, disappointment, or anger that is fairly inoffensive and tame.
"Gosjemikkie, heb ik alweer de verkeerde sleutel bij me."
"Gosh, I have the wrong key with me again."
Submitted March 2024 by amarens
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(meat in the tub) • Knowing 'what kind of meat you have in the tub' is about what someone is worth, what his qualities and skills are, what value he can bring to you. The expression probably comes from buying barrels of meat before the existence of fridges.
"We laten hem eerst even 1 week proefwerken, om te zien wat voor vlees we in de kuip hebben."
"We'll let him do a trial run for a week first, to see what kind of meat we have in the tub."
Submitted March 2024 by amarens
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(grab it) • Used when making a rough estimate about something.
"Deze man werkt hier volgens mij al pak 'm beet 20 jaar.'
"This man has been working here for grab it 20 years."
Submitted March 2024 by amarens
Expression USED Very frequently BY Students
(study avoiding behavior) • Anything you do when you really should be studying.
“Ik heb tijdens mijn studieontwijkend gedrag Swahili geleerd”
“During my study avoiding behavior I learned Swahili”
Submitted October 2023 by amarensje
Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY some people
(we are beautifully away, aren't we?) • A phrase people like to say to each other when they are on an outing or trip, as a way to say express that you are having a good time.
*op it strân* "Wat binne wy moai fuort, net?"
*on the beach* "We are beautifully away, aren't we?"
Submitted February 2024 by amarens
Word USED On Occasion BY Angry people who feel mistreated
(testicle-bumble bee) • You use it when you feel someone has mistreated you or is very clumsy and unhelpful.
"Al mijn papieren waren in orde, maar die kloothommel wilde me gewoon niet toelaten."
"All my paperwork was in order, but that kloothommel just didn't want to let me in."
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous
Belgium and the Netherlands
Name USED On Occasion BY angry and annoyed people
Pipo is a name for someone that is acting stupid or ridiculous. Pipo is a clown name, so you're calling someone a clown.
"Goed gedaan Pipo, diesel in een benzine-auto."
"Nice going Pipo, you put diesel in a gasoline car."
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(overviewable) • Adjective which means that it allow you to get a good overview at a glance. The closest English translation I ended up finding was "synoptic" but that is very rarely used and not a word most English language learners would understand. The word overzichtelijk is about as ordinary as the word overview in English, but that's not a translation because you need more words to convey the meaning ("allows you to get a good overview" is the translation and "at a glance" the connotation, none of which fit into "overview" if you'd use that word as an adjective). There is also the word "clear" in English, which conveys the meaning that you've got an overview (present tense) but not that the object being talked about has a quality of allowing anyone to quickly attain one. Antonym: onoverzichtelijk, when something is convoluted or perhaps a mess, leading to the inability to easily get a good overview.
"Die oversteek is overzichtelijk, dus ze hebben de fietser zeker niet over het hoofd gezien." "Met de overzichtelijke planner kun je in één oogopslag de planning van je team bekijken en begrijpen." "Wat vind je leuk aan deze kaartstijl?" "Het is heel overzichtelijk. Ik zie moeiteloos hoe de straten zijn ingedeeld.""
"That crossing is overviewable so there is no way they overlooked the cyclist." "The overviewable planner allows you to view and understand your team's schedule at a glance." "What do you like about this map style?" "It's very overviewable. I can effortlessly see how the streets are laid out.""
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous