Croatian Croatia, Serbia

Da je baba bila muško, zvala bi se Duško

Proverb USED Frequently BY Everyone

(If grandma had been a man, her name would have been Duško) • It's used to prevent regret and overanalyzing past events over which we no longer have influence, as they have already occurred. Duško is a male name in Croatia.

"Da sam marljivije učio, do sada sam mogao diplomirati s odličnim uspjehom i potencijalno si osigurati bolje plaćen posao." "Eh, da je baba bila muško, zvala bi se Duško."

"If I had studied harder, I could have graduated with honors by now and potentially secured a better paying job." "Eh, if grandma was male, her name would be Duško."

English Georgia, United States


Neologism USED Frequently BY Gen Z & Gen Alpha

The term skibidi is a reference to the abomination that is Skibidi Toilet, a 2023 YouTube animated series/meme. The general consensus is that skibidi is an adjective with erratic meaning. Based on the show, it may mean "bad" or "evil".

"That's so skibidi! That's so fanum tax!" "Grow the hell up, boy."

English New Zealand

she'll be right

Idiom USED Frequently BY New Zealanders and (less common) Australians

Colloquial expression meaning it will work out or it will be fine.

"Mate, I don't think you have enough petrol to get there." "No worries, she'll be right."

English anywhere


Slang USED Frequently BY gen z

(interjection ) • It refers to anything with a fat butt, but it's also used to say you met an attractive woman (or man).

“GYATTTT” “damn that boy has a big gyatt… why do boys always get what girls want”

"GYATT" "Damn that boy has a fat butt... why do boys always get what girls want”


Arabic Worldwide


Word USED Very frequently BY Muslims

As opposed to "zakat", "sadaqah" is voluntary act of charity that Muslims would do to purify themselves, purify their income, or to get closer to Allah (god in Arabic). It includes giving away money, knowledge, prayers, and even smiling.

"يستحب الإكثار من الصدقة في شهر رمضان."

"It's good to give away more Sadaqah in the month of Ramadan."

Serbian Serbia


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everybody

It's used to emphasize something or warn someone not to do something.

"Gde si, bre? Kako si?" [emphasis] "Ej, bre, ne diraj to!" [warning]

Serbian Serbia


Word USED Frequently BY Everybody

It can be translated as spite, but the meaning is not quite the same. It's used when you want to say you're doing something (or not) deliberately that someone told you to do.

"Ovo dete mi tera inat svaki dan! Kažem mu da ne dira šporet, a onda on namerno suprotno radi i smeje mi se u facu!"

"This kid spites me every day! I tell him not to touch the stove, and then he deliberately does the opposite and laughs in my face!"


Russian Russia


Interjection USED Frequently BY Especially young people

(metal sheet) • Colloquial way of saying "damn“. Used to express surprise in a sympathetic way, usually as a reaction to some bad news.

"Прикинь, сегодня меня чуть не сбила машина» «Жесть!"

"Guess what, I almost got hit by a car today“ "Metal sheet!“

Apulian Apulia, Italy

a stare

Expression USED Very frequently BY Young people

When you're in a chill situation, like having a drink with friends for no reason, or doing nothing in general while being relaxed. In dialect the verb "stare" (to stay) is used almost like the verb "essere" (to be), so it's like the action of being located in a place, with no motion.

"Guardalo, sta lì sulla sdraio con il suo spritz... proprio a stare."

"Look at him, just sitting there on the deckchair with his spritz... just staying there."




Spanish Dominican Republic


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY everybody

(what the what) • It's a slang similar to the american "wut up", it's often used to say "Hello" or "how are you".

"klk manin." "Aquí, tu sabe, cogiéndolo suave."

"Wut up bro" "Here, you know, chillin."

Arabic Palestine

كلام فاضي

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody

(empty talk) • Means nonsensical or unbelievable talk.

"بيقولوا إسرائيل بدها تدخل مساعدات." "كلام فاضي يا زلمة."

"They say Israel will let aid enter." "Empty talk, man."


German German speaking countries


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • (selfunderstandable) • This adjective refers to something so obvious that anybody can understand or accept it; you don't need to ask. The noun is Selbstverständlichkeit.

"Kannst du mir helfen?" "Ja, selbstverständlich!" "Ein Baby kann man nicht allein zu Hause lassen. Das ist doch selbstverständlich."

"Can you help me?" "Yes, selfunderstandable" "You can't leave a baby alone at home. That's just selfunderstandable."

Dutch Netherlands

mama appelsap

Name USED Very frequently BY most people

(mama apple juice) • A name used for mishearing a Dutch word in a foreign language song. The name refers to the vocalizations "ma-ma-coo-sah" at the beginning of the song Wanna be startin' somethin' by Michael Jackson (1983), which to Dutch ears sounded like "mama appelsap", which has since turned into the name of the phenomena of hearing Dutch lyrics in foreign songs.

"Ik kan echt niet luisteren naar dat nummer zonder een mama appelsap te horen."

“I honestly can't listen to that song without hearing a mama apple juice.”

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY everyone

(boundary surpassing) • Used to describe things that are unacceptable. Can often used in combination with "gedrag" (behaviour) to describe someone who displays violent or otherwise unacceptable behaviour.

"Grensoverschrijdend gedrag komt nog steeds vaak voor op de werkvloer."

"Boundary surprassing behavior still often occurs in the workplace."



Indonesian Indonesia


Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody, usually young ones.

(dog) • Derivative of the word "anjing," which translates as Dog and is used as a refined way of speaking "anjing", a word that is considered foul language in local media. It's a word to express both positive and negative emotions such as happiness, shock, sadness, rage, etc.

"Bukan seperti itu caranya anjir." "Gua dapet nilai 98 cuy." "Anjir kok bisa, nilai gua cuman 56."

"That's not how you do it you idiot." "Yo I got 98 on my test." "Bro how, I only got 56 on my test."

English United States


Slang USED Very frequently BY Gen Z

Can be used as an exclamation, expressing shock, typically in reaction to seeing a large butt, most likely an abbreviation of "God damn", or as a noun, for a woman who is voluptuous and has a large butt.

"Gyatt!" "Hey man, that's my mom."

Scottish Scotland


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

Fed up with something. Used to describe a feeling of discontentment with something. Not used to describe a generally feeling of being low.

“I’m absolutely scunnered with this place!”

Italian | Romanesco Rome, Italy


Interjection USED Frequently BY People from Rome

(my balls) • An interjection that expresses stupor and surprise, and sometimes disbelief. Similar to “Wow” or “No way”. Used commonly in Rome, but also in other cities in the Lazio region, such as Anzio, Latina or Nettuno.

"Hai sentito? “Pellegrini ha appena vinto il Pallone d’Oro.” “Mecojoni!”

“Did you hear? Pellegrini just won the Ballon d'Or.” “My balls!”


Turkish Turkey


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone in Turkey

It is an expression you use when you get angry, call someone, pamper children, swear, feel shocked or flabbergasted or confused.

"Lan sen ne kadar büyümüşşün!" "Seni 8 yıldır Murat'la aldatıyorum." "Lan!?" "Hassiktir lan!"

"Lan how much you've grown!" "I've been cheating on you with Murat for 8 years." "Lan!?" "Fuck you lan!"

Dutch Netherlands

studieontwijkend gedrag

Expression USED Very frequently BY Students

(study avoiding behavior) • Anything you do when you really should be studying.

“Ik heb tijdens mijn studieontwijkend gedrag Swahili geleerd”

“During my study avoiding behavior I learned Swahili”