Serbian Kordun, Croatia


Slang USED In the past BY some people

Slang for "wallet"

"Nemam ništa u mojem šajtogu..."

"I don't have anything in my wallet..."



Romanian Romania and Moldova


Slang USED In the past BY Everyone

(interjection) • Equivalent to the English "hello".

"Sall! Ce mai faci? Demult nu ne-am văzut."

"Hello! How are you? Long time no see."

Confirmed by 2 people

Swedish Sweden

ingen ko på isen

Expression USED In the past BY Some people

(no cow on the ice) • Meaning there’s nothing to worry about or everything is under control.

“Jag är så sen och måste till jobbet” "Ta det lugnt - ingen ko på isen"

"I'm so late and have to go to work" "Take it easy - no cow on the ice"

Serbian Kordun, Croatia


Slang USED In the past BY Everybody

Slang for 'testicle'.

"Bole me stucke!"

"My balls hurt!"

Serbian Kordun, Croatia


Slang USED In the past BY Everybody

Slang for a woolen blanket.

"Napravila sam novi biljac i sada udobna sam."

"I made a new blanket and now I'm comfortable."


English United States

shark week

Expression USED In the past BY Young males

Euphemism for menstrual period.

"She's in a bad mood, it must be shark week!"


Danish Denmark

bred ymer

Slang USED In the past BY some people

(wide yoghurt) • Old slang term from the 1970s about something cool, awesome, or rad.

"Det er bare bred ymer at du har fået farvet dit hår"

"It is just wide yum that you've dyed your hair"


English United States

talking peanuts

Expression USED In the past BY People from the countryside

Refer to something of cheap or low value. If something is surprisingly inexpensive, you could say "it's peanuts." Or if you're working for a very low wage, you could say "You're working for peanuts." Peanuts are a very cheap item in this context.

"It's going to cost $40 for all 5 of you to go." "That's $8 a person. You're talking peanuts at that point."


English United States


Slang USED In the past BY A few people

It is a 1920’s slang term to call your friends an idiot in a joking way, or someone who you don’t particularly like insultingly.

"Ah John is a ritzy nitwit. "


Italian Italy


Slang USED In the past BY People Over 50

(adj.) • (fogey) • Used to refer to an old person having a conservative mindset; short for Matusalem.

"Com'è possibile che tu sia contrario al divorzio? Sei proprio un matusa."

"How come you are against divorce? You're such a fogey."

English United Kingdom

Do me a favour!

Interjection USED In the past BY Those from the east end of london

A response to an outrageous statement, usually; it isn't asking for the other person to provide help or assistance (the literal translation), but stating that they can oblige by not believing or repeating what they have just said.

"You think the Government will pay every nurse and doctor an extra £10,000 free of tax? Do me a favour! Of course they won't!"

Italian Italy

ho il Mar Rosso

Slang USED In the past BY Women

(I got the Red Sea) • Used by women as en euphemism to say that they were on their period.

Non posso fare il bagno oggi, ho il Mar Rosso.

I can't swim today, I'm on my period.

Romanian Romania


Word USED In the past BY Older Generations

(adjective) • This word describes someone who wants to struggle to do something.

"Ce se tot coțopenește cu cazmaua aia?"

"Why is he struggling with that shovel?"


Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED In the past BY Older Generations

Irresistible personal attraction or seduction.

-"Aquele rapaz tem borogodó."

-"That boy has borogodó."


Portuguese Brazil

vá plantar batatas

Idiom USED In the past BY Older Generations

(go plant potatoes) • It means “leave me alone!” or “go away!”

“Quer ficar comigo, gata?” “Não quero não! Vá plantar batatas!”

“Wanna hook up with me, sexy?” “No, I don’t want to! Go plant potatoes!”

Confirmed by 3 people



Swedish Sweden

när man talar om trollen så står de i farstun

Expression USED In the past BY Some People

(when one speaks about the trolls they’re standing in the hallway) • Used when someone that you’ve recently talked about appears or something that you’ve talked about happens. The Swedish version of “speak of the devil and he shall appear”.

“Chefen och jag bråkade igår. Jag vill verkligen inte träffa henne idag.” *chefen kommer* ”När man talar om trollen...”

”The boss and I had a fight yesterday. I really don’t want to meet her today” *the boss arrives* “When one speaks about the trolls...”

Confirmed by 2 people

English United States

Good night, Irene

Interjection USED In the past BY Older generations

(interj.) • An interjection showing disbelief, annoyance, or dismay. Often used as an alternative to "my god" or other somewhat more vulgar interjections. Originated from a song by Huddie Leadbetter called "Goodnight, Irene" (1933), which was about his frustration with a past relationship. Usage is becoming obsolete.

"Did you hear that John came home drunk again last night?" "Oh, good night Irene. He never learns."

English | Australian English Australia


Slang USED In the past BY Teens

Used to describe the state of being by yourself, not knowing anyone.

"Chemistry would be so much better if I weren't Nigel."


Hebrew Israel


Slang USED In the past BY Almost Everyone

(Yoram) • A nerd, a dork.

"דוד יושב וקורא סטטיסטיקות של יוטיוב. הוא כזה יורם!"

"David sits and reads YouTube statistics. He's such a Yoram!"


Romanian Moldova


Word USED In the past BY Older Generations

(noun) • (n.) Blue paint used for dyeing white clothes.

"Am nevoie de sineală. Vreau să vopsesc o pereche de pantaloni."

"I need blue paint. I want to dye a pair of trousers."

Confirmed by 3 people