Italian | Venetian Dialect Veneto, Italy
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
The evergreen Venetian dialect word. It can express joy, sadness, fury, confusion, it can be an insult or a praise. It can be literally the female reproductive organs.
'Ma va in mona', 'Vara che bea mona', 'Ti xe un mona', 'Il saggio sa niente, lo stupido sa qualcosa, il mona sa tutto'
'Go to hell', 'Look at this beautiful lady', 'You are a moron' , 'A wise person knows nothing, a stupid person knows something, a moron knows everything'
Submitted August 2024 by anonymous
Italian | Venetian Dialect Veneto, Italy
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
This word literally means male pig. It is used for insulting a disgusting person, to indicate that a person is eating too much, or (more directly) to talk about male pigs.
'No sta fare el mas'cio', 'Vara che se te magni cosi tanto, va a finirla che te diventi un mas'cio', 'Ghemo fatto a sopressa col mas'cio de ieri'
'Don't be a pig', 'If you're eating as much, you will be as fat as a pig', 'We made salami with the pig from yesterday'
Submitted August 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(adj.) • (thin) • We use "flaco" instead of saying "you" when addressing someone.
"Che flaco, fijate antes de cruzar."
"Hey thin, watch before crossing."
Nigerian Pidgin-English Nigeria
Slang USED Very frequently BY Male youth
(noun) • Olosho is used as a synonym for harlot or sex worker. It is slang only known to young males about a female that sleeps about.
"Dat chikala nah olosho."
"That babe is a prostitute."
Submitted April 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
Means something is average, not very special.
"This password is 0815"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Arabic Palestine, Arabic speaking countries
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everybody
(give away out of kindness or excess) • The root of the word in standard Arabic means to give away out of excess and/or kindness, but is commonly used in Arab countries by the giver to convey hospitality. The giver would commonly say it while offering the receiver something- most commonly food. It's as if to mean please accept this out of your (the reciever's) kindness and excess, and not the other way around, or to say you would be kind to accept this humble thing regardless of if it's humble or not.
" اتفضل. اشي بسيط. بعد الحرب بضيفك إشي معتبر."
"Could you give away out of kindness. It's something simple. After the war, I will offer you something better."
Submitted March 2024 by zahrft
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
Titip is a word that can be described most closely by the word “entrust”. When a relative is going abroad and you request them to buy something from that country, you say to your relative that you want to “titip” that good. When you put your products at someone’s store for them to sell, you “titip” your goods to their store. When you send your children for mentorship under a trusted friend, you “titip” your children to be mentored well by your friend. In informal spoken Indonesian, the formal base word “titip” is often said as “nitip”, which is the shortened version of “menitip” (to titip).
“Kamu mau ke kantin? Nitip nasi ayam dong.” “Aku mau ke toilet dulu. Titip laptopku ya.”
“Are you going to the canteen? Can you buy chicken rice for me please.” “I’m going to the toilet. Please take care of my laptop.”
Submitted June 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Very frequently BY Muslims
As opposed to "zakat", "sadaqah" is voluntary act of charity that Muslims would do to purify themselves, purify their income, or to get closer to Allah (god in Arabic). It includes giving away money, knowledge, prayers, and even smiling.
"يستحب الإكثار من الصدقة في شهر رمضان."
"It's good to give away more Sadaqah in the month of Ramadan."
Submitted March 2024 by zahrft
Expression USED Very frequently BY Young people
When you're in a chill situation, like having a drink with friends for no reason, or doing nothing in general while being relaxed. In dialect the verb "stare" (to stay) is used almost like the verb "essere" (to be), so it's like the action of being located in a place, with no motion.
"Guardalo, sta lì sulla sdraio con il suo spritz... proprio a stare."
"Look at him, just sitting there on the deckchair with his spritz... just staying there."
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY everybody
(what the what) • It's a slang similar to the american "wut up", it's often used to say "Hello" or "how are you".
"klk manin." "Aquí, tu sabe, cogiéndolo suave."
"Wut up bro" "Here, you know, chillin."
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody
(empty talk) • Means nonsensical or unbelievable talk.
"بيقولوا إسرائيل بدها تدخل مساعدات." "كلام فاضي يا زلمة."
"They say Israel will let aid enter." "Empty talk, man."
Submitted March 2024 by zahrft
Name USED Very frequently BY most people
(mama apple juice) • A name used for mishearing a Dutch word in a foreign language song. The name refers to the vocalizations "ma-ma-coo-sah" at the beginning of the song Wanna be startin' somethin' by Michael Jackson (1983), which to Dutch ears sounded like "mama appelsap", which has since turned into the name of the phenomena of hearing Dutch lyrics in foreign songs.
"Ik kan echt niet luisteren naar dat nummer zonder een mama appelsap te horen."
“I honestly can't listen to that song without hearing a mama apple juice.”
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Very frequently BY everyone
(boundary surpassing) • Used to describe things that are unacceptable. Can often used in combination with "gedrag" (behaviour) to describe someone who displays violent or otherwise unacceptable behaviour.
"Grensoverschrijdend gedrag komt nog steeds vaak voor op de werkvloer."
"Boundary surprassing behavior still often occurs in the workplace."
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Slang USED Very frequently BY Gen Z
Can be used as an exclamation, expressing shock, typically in reaction to seeing a large butt, most likely an abbreviation of "God damn", or as a noun, for a woman who is voluptuous and has a large butt.
"Gyatt!" "Hey man, that's my mom."
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone in Turkey
It is an expression you use when you get angry, call someone, pamper children, swear, feel shocked or flabbergasted or confused.
"Lan sen ne kadar büyümüşşün!" "Seni 8 yıldır Murat'la aldatıyorum." "Lan!?" "Hassiktir lan!"
"Lan how much you've grown!" "I've been cheating on you with Murat for 8 years." "Lan!?" "Fuck you lan!"
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Students
(study avoiding behavior) • Anything you do when you really should be studying.
“Ik heb tijdens mijn studieontwijkend gedrag Swahili geleerd”
“During my study avoiding behavior I learned Swahili”
Submitted October 2023 by amarensje
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody
This is said to person when working on a task or working in general. The sayer wishes that the task at hand comes easily to the doer or completed without any difficulties.
Man walking on the street sees a garbage collector pushing the garbage can towards the garbage truck: "Kolay gelsin hemşerim!"
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous
Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(interjection) • An informal way to greet friends, it means “hello” but so much more informal and cute than regular "hola".
“Holis, ¿qué tal?“