
Arabic Palestine


Word USED On Occasion BY Kids and Parents

It's a baby or toddler word, usually used by babies or parents talking to their babies to indicate an injury or pain.

"ماما اجري واوا."

"Mama my leg wawa."


Arabic Palestine, Arabic speaking countries


Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everybody

(give away out of kindness or excess) • The root of the word in standard Arabic means to give away out of excess and/or kindness, but is commonly used in Arab countries by the giver to convey hospitality. The giver would commonly say it while offering the receiver something- most commonly food. It's as if to mean please accept this out of your (the reciever's) kindness and excess, and not the other way around, or to say you would be kind to accept this humble thing regardless of if it's humble or not.

" اتفضل. اشي بسيط. بعد الحرب بضيفك إشي معتبر."

"Could you give away out of kindness. It's something simple. After the war, I will offer you something better."


Arabic Palestine

غصبًا عن أبوكم

Idiom USED On Occasion BY everybody

(despite your father) • It means whether you like it or not.

"غصبًا عن أبوكم، فلسطين تصير حرة بالكامل."

"In spite of your father['s dislike], Palestine will be completely free."


Arabic Palestine


Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(a witness) • A martyr or someone who was killed for a certain valuable cause. They are witnesses in the since that they are witnesses of injustice in the eyes of god.

"أخويا شهيد، استشهد بغزة وهو بحاول يهرب من القصف."

"My brother is a witness, he was made a witness while trying to escape the shelling."


Arabic Worldwide


Word USED Very frequently BY Muslims

As opposed to "zakat", "sadaqah" is voluntary act of charity that Muslims would do to purify themselves, purify their income, or to get closer to Allah (god in Arabic). It includes giving away money, knowledge, prayers, and even smiling.

"يستحب الإكثار من الصدقة في شهر رمضان."

"It's good to give away more Sadaqah in the month of Ramadan."

Arabic Palestine

اللي خلف ما مات

Proverb USED On Occasion BY Elders

(the one who left (children) behind did not die) • It's a way to deliver condolences to the family (especially the children) of the deceased. It basically means if a parent left behind kids who he/she taught good values, wisdom, and faith, It's like they don't really die. The good things they taught their kids, which their kids can in turn pass on to their kids, makes them live on beyond their years.

"شد حيلك، اللي خلف ما مات."

"Stay strong. The one who left (children) behind, did not die."


Arabic Palestine

بتراب أبوك؟

Interjection USED On Occasion BY Elders

(over your father's grave?) • Its like saying "are you serious?" or "are you for real?". Muslims believe it's a serious matter to swear by god (or anything else). Therefore, to swear by a loved one's grave you have to be honest about what you are saying.

"إذا بتريد، بعطيك ألف شيكل!" "بتراب أبوك؟"

"If you want, I could give you 1000 Shekels." "Over your father's grave?"

Arabic Palestine

كلام فاضي

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody

(empty talk) • Means nonsensical or unbelievable talk.

"بيقولوا إسرائيل بدها تدخل مساعدات." "كلام فاضي يا زلمة."

"They say Israel will let aid enter." "Empty talk, man."


Arabic Palestine


Word USED On Occasion BY Elders

It's a sound or a song melody that does not have a specific meaning, but is used to mean crazy or foolish.

"هاض زلمة ترللي."

"That man is taralali."


Arabic Egypt

مكسحة وتقول للصايغ تقل الخلخال

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

Used to mock someone who overestimates their abilities or says they can do more than they actually can.

".عادي أنا ممكن أعمل شغلي وشغلك، ريح إنت" ".مكسحة وتقول للصايغ تقل الخلخال. حاول تخلص شغلك بس"

"It's okay I can do my work and yours. You rest." "Barely walks and tells the jeweler to make the anklet heavier. Just try to finish yours."



Arabic Egypt

يتكلم هندي

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to talk in Hindi) • Use this expression for somebody who either speaks unintelligibly or talks nonsense. You can construct a question using this idiom to mock the addressee's inability to understand what you're saying.

"فهمت الدرس؟" "ولا أي كلمة" "!هو أنا بتكلم هندي؟"

"Did you understand the lesson?" "No. Not a single word of it." "Was I speaking Hindi?!"


Arabic Egypt

صباح الفُل

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Everyone

(a morning of Foll/ Arabian jasmine) • This is another way of saying "good morning" by wishing someone a morning as good as Foll. Foll is a type of Arabian Jasmine.

".صباح الخير." "صباح الفُل"

"Good morning." "A morning of Foll."



Arabic | Lebanese dialect Lebanon


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone especially parents and relatives

(May (something or someone) bury me) • It's a way of expressing love and a way of giving compliments. (You will be the death of me because I love you too much)

"يقبرني شكلك"

"May your looks bury me"


Arabic Morocco

طلعتلي في راسي

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It's used when someone keeps talking too much, asking too much or when you are being annoyed by someone.

".طلعتلي في راسي"

"You have stood up on my head."




Arabic Egypt


Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(salt) • I don't care or I wouldn't care less. You would use it when something inconvenient happens but you want to convey indifference or nonchalance about it.

".أنا جبت درجات اعلى منك" "طز"

"I got higher grades than you." "Salt."


Arabic Egypt

سمن على عسل

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(Ghee mixed with honey) • Used to indicate a state of complete harmony or friendship and agreement between people.

"بلبل وحمادة زي السمن على عسل"

"Bolbol and Hamada are like Ghee mixed with honey"



Arabic Egypt

عريان الطيز بيحب التأميز

Proverb USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(Someone with their ass exposed likes to criticize) • Used in reference to hypocrites، or those who make fun of people while they are losers.

-"إزاي مش عارف ياخد الدكتوراه لحد دلوقتي؟" -"إنت حتى مش بتعرف تقرأ وتكتب، بس عريان الطيز بيحب التأميز"

-"How is he not able to get his Ph.D. until now?" -"You don't even know how to read and write, but that who has his ass exposed likes to criticize."


Arabic Egypt


Slang USED Very frequently BY Below 40

Means something that is undesirable, uncool, not worth the time or hassle.

"تيجي نروح حفلة يوم راس السنة؟ لا فاكس" (Tigi nerouh hafla yom rass el sana? La’ fakess)

Let’s go to a party on New Year’s Eve? No, fakess



Arabic Egypt

يا اسطى

Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People

(oh, craftsman!) • It is used to call bus drivers, taxi drivers, friends, workers, and random people.

"عامل اية يسطا؟"

"How are you, craftsman? "


Arabic Egypt

فكك مني

Slang USED Very frequently BY Young people

(untie yourself from me) • It means Leave me alone or stop bothering me. You would usually do that when someone has been trying to convince you of something for so long, but you are determined with your opinion.

".هتخسرها، أنا حاولت كتير أوريك " "فكك مني."

"You are going to lose her I had tried many times to show you." "Untie yourself from me."